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Dizzi & Rascal bonding - Pic Heavy!!!

If you have any further problems decrease the pen size, by the look of their picture they have quite a large space and this often can cause problems if done too quickly. It is usually best to increase the space very slowly.

Thanks Janice ...... they seem to be ok with each other at the moment - flopping and snoozing, however, I'm not getting too giddy just yet and will definitely heed your advice if there are any probs.
Thanks Sky-O and NicolaTervit ...... I think they look gorgeous together! Biased??? Me??? Never!!! :lol: x
Jo, i can't believe you made us wait for these!

:love::love::love: Very quickly becoming one of my favourite pairs on RU :)
I know this is a week old, but wanted to see how they were getting on?

How are they Jo and has your OH finished the work on the run etc?

Hello ive just been reading your posts. My 2 bunnies also are not great fans of each other i have had Beau my neautured Dutch buck for nearly a year and i have had Saffie my Smoke Satin unneutred doe for around 4 months now.

They hated each other when i first got Saffie. I have them in 2 seperate cages right next to each other and now they tollerate each other so thats step one done!

Saffie is going forher VHD jab today then i can get her spayed, once she is healed up and 100% better i am going to start the bonding process properly like you are doing.

Its horrible as i tried to see how they would get on in a neautural area three times and each time they fight and hair goes everywhere! Some people say to leave them and others say to seperate them. Im so confused.

I also read you have to be carefull as the doe can go for the bucks genitals and it can be fatal so be carefull.

I think i just research to much and it makes me worry!

Wish you lots of luck with your bunnies your doing really well!

Claire, Beau & Saffie.. x
:wave: Hi Graham

Bunnies are good thanks, they're back outdoors and now have an aviary that's 6ft x 15ft to run around in. The hutch is in there free-standing and there's also a bit of storage space above it for hay/megazorb/food etc etc.

There are still a few jobs that need doing on it but they can be done anytime whilst the buns are in, things like part of the outside of the aviary still needs staining (weather has been pants tho) and the bits for the 'adventure playground' (which can be made/put together outside the aviary then just fixed in afterwards).

The bunnies themselves are getting along great but seem a bit wary being in their new place ..... Dizzi is doing the tip-toeing thing all the time and they're startled by every single noise (maybe things sound different now the roof's on??).

They also seem to be a little wary of me and OH too ....... they'll run over for treats but then run off again and will only stay for nose rubs for about 5 seconds before they scarper ..... I'm hoping they'll settle down a bit and I've asked OH not to do any other alterations just yet until they're properly settled in.

Will take some pics when they actually sit still long enough!!

Hi Claire ..... perseverence is key I'm afraid, my two fought a few times and I was advised just to separate them for a few moments, still in the same pen, just make sure they were at different ends.... long enough for them, and you, to calm down. I found it quite stressful seeing my two little bundles of fur going for each other, but I persevered and now they're bestest friends!

I ended up sleeping next to them in the living room for 5 nights and even after that, I had to get up at 5am in readiness for their dawn 'giddy' period.

I've heard that a lot of people give up part way through bonding because of all sorts of reasons (stress, lack of sleep, lack of progress etc) but there is some brilliant advice on here and lots of help that should help you through!

Good luck for your bonding when the time's right (I'd say give Saffie around 4-6 weeks after her spay for her hormones to settle). x
Sounds Brill Jo, can't wait to see the piccies!

They'll settle down im sure, just imagine how they were when you first got them, im sure it was the same :)

Thank you Bitzy for your advice about Saffie's spay. Im finding everyone so helpfull on the forums i only joined a few day ago and im hooked.

Its nice to know there is always someone to ask who is experienced and can share there knowledge! I did wonder how long after Saffie gets spayed that i could start them bonding and now i know, thank you!

It is a long process so far but i wont give up not if i see results like Dizzi and Rascal it makes me not want to give up!
