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Crash, thump, thump, thump, boing, thud thud, thud


Wise Old Thumper
Can someone please explain how it sounds like world war 3 has broken out where J&B are in the room above me & yet when I go up to investigate (2 seconds to decide if I should bother moving, 3 seconds to run up the stairs) it is so calm, like just now, with joey sploofing under the bed, Boo sleep loafing in her tunnel. I don't get it.
Bloody noisy ghosts! :lol:It is an old house though. If I didn't know better I'd think they did it on purpose but Boo's not gonnna hear me coming upstairs to know to play to musical statues
Bloody noisy ghosts! :lol:It is an old house though. If I didn't know better I'd think they did it on purpose but Boo's not gonnna hear me coming upstairs to know to play to musical statues
You could always get a bunny cam. :lol: Maybe you'll find out Joey and Boo have evil twins who like making noise.
Boo is innocent, complete angel. Jury is out on Joey :lol:

Does anybun else experience anything similar? A bunny cam would be interesting - it only happens once a week or so. When all three bunnies were together we had the same noise (only from the room below) & would charge downstairs expecting Boo to be chasing Mouse but they'd be all chilled then too - nowt going on here , honest :lol:
Can someone please explain how it sounds like world war 3 has broken out where J&B are in the room above me & yet when I go up to investigate (2 seconds to decide if I should bother moving, 3 seconds to run up the stairs) it is so calm, like just now, with joey sploofing under the bed, Boo sleep loafing in her tunnel. I don't get it.

:lol: my two did this 2 nights ago at 4am. All calm and innocence when I came down to investigate. Didn't phase them for long. I didn't get back to sleep til 6 though!
That's Soo funny �� lol, takes me back to when I had partners in crime Rosie and Mowgli lol

With a name like Mowgli you gotta expect some mischief

MiniC - well done your bunnies. I feel better for not being alone in this :lol:
i think it's Bob. typical OH trick to blame it on the bunnies

Bob was next to me, it wasn't Bob. Its not me hearing things either cos sometimes he goes up to check before me.

I'd leave my camera running on video but Joey always tries to chew the lens
:lol: Mine were always so noisy! somebunny once bit through the camera cable. Presumably so we couldn’t see their madcap moments :lol:
Mine make noise when breakfast is late. They used to bang empty pellet bowls, then repeat right after they ate their ration. So we removed the bowl after they emptied it, which has them rearranging location of litter boxes. It sounds like a herd of elephants if something gets them stomping.
Mine make noise when breakfast is late. They used to bang empty pellet bowls, then repeat right after they ate their ration. So we removed the bowl after they emptied it, which has them rearranging location of litter boxes. It sounds like a herd of elephants if something gets them stomping.

:lol: yours are all little bunnies too? or have I got that wrong.

Zoobec - pleased you had noisy bunnies too