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Search results

  1. B

    Housing a rex rabbit

    Hey Everyone (sorta new here.. didnt realise I had a sign-in already but got recommended this place by a friend, and am back! :) My main question is.. can you happily house a standard rex rabbit outside? ( ie sore hocks prevention and possibly non-waterproof coat? Thats what ive heard..) 2)...
  2. B

    Are bunnies allowed Mesclin salad stuff?

    I've never given it to mine but my mum has planted some in the garden, and so far they havent tried to eat it (only chin rubbed it). Should I be worried if they try to eat it?
  3. B

    Losing Weight

    My usually eat- a- lot, cuddly feeling bunny has lost weight. I can tell and he hasnt been eating normally for 2/3 days now. He will have a bit of hay or grass and the odd dandelion but he seems to be having trouble eating veges. He would used to snatch them and munch them quickly but now he...
  4. B

    Rabbit Rescues/ Refuges

    How much time (and money!)goes in to running one of these?? How hard is it to find homes and how much space does each rabbit need?? Just wondering cos I'd really like to have one oneday, not anytime soon (im only 15) but there are none where I live and I think I could be good at it... hopefully!
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    False Pregnancies

    When will a false pregnancy be over? and is there anything other than palpating (which i cannot do) to tell the difference between a real one and a false one. Any advice needed. Thanks in advance
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    Funny sounds..

    Icarus was making funny sounds, she's NEVER been a vocal rabbit, but today she was making odd squealy growly sounds. Kind of like she was in pain (like had just been pushed when the other ones went past) and also like she wanted to be left alone. Would she do this if she was pregnant? (my...
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    This is really bad for rabbits, right? It's just sooo many people continue to give it to their rabbits :x
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    Whats a does stomach/abdomen supposed to feel like???

    Is a female rabbits underside supposed to be squidgy, firm, or rock hard?? and should you be able to feel their nipples or not?
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    SnowFlakes Mommy...

    Just wondering what breed the white rabbit in the photo is???? He looks just like my Neo who is apparently a 'lop cross' (but I dont believe it).
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    Can i break up my trio?

    Hello everyone, im new here and in need of some advice. I have a trio of rabbits- Miffy (neutered male) Speedy (unspayed female) and their daughter Icarus (unspayed female). They have been living together for about 7 months now and usually there arent a lot of problems, the odd fur pulling...