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Search results

  1. L

    Vetbed/carpet and other housing questions

    Thank you for the replies. Sounds like the carpet or vet bed will be a bit of a waste of time. Maybe a sandpit/digging area would be better 😊
  2. L

    Vetbed/carpet and other housing questions

    I am planning to revamp my bunnies living space and have a few questions. My plan is to buy aviary panels in order to enclose their 6x2 hutch, and to cover the roof with corrugated plastic to keep everything dry. I will also attach some half height willow screening or similar to at least one...
  3. L

    Liberta Exmoor hutch.. Is it any good?

    Thank you. That was my thought too. I've seen another one online this evening and wondered if it's any good. Again the build quality doesn't look as good, but there's a lot of space for the money. http://www.petplanet.co.uk/product.asp?dept_id=5865&pf_id=64819
  4. L

    Liberta Exmoor hutch.. Is it any good?

    Hello! Just looking for a bit of advice. Does anyone have the liberta Exmoor 6 x 2ft hutch? The cages world website says it is RWAF hutch of the year but i can't find any reviews for it. I was thinking of getting the welfare hutches 6ft hutch but then saw this one and wondered if its as good. I...
  5. L

    Advice needed - bored/scared bunny?

    The crate isn't open all the time, but we have left the door open for quite long periods and she's shown no interest in getting out. Once she's feeling more confident the idea is to allow her access to the whole dining room, or to get an extra puppy pen or similar, to extend her space. It's not...
  6. L

    Advice needed - bored/scared bunny?

    Thanks everyone for your advice. I need to clean her out today so I think I might take the shelf out for now and put a nice big box in for her instead, so she can hide if she wants. She's currently hiding under the shelf bit, so she's not being forced to stay out in the open but maybe a box...
  7. L

    Advice needed - bored/scared bunny?

    Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me. I've had Lily the bunny for about 6 years, since she was about 6 months old at the RSPCA. Up until about a year or so ago, she was always part of a pair. When Harry, her most recent husbun died i didn't feel able to give another bunny a home for...
  8. L

    Woohoo, "The Palace" is 85% finished!!

    Don't want to hijack the thread, but what do you use to cover the edges of the lino? We've got a new shed for the bunnies, and I'm going to get some lino for it tomorrow but still not sure of the best way to secure it and make sure it can't be chewed! thanks Hayley
  9. L

    Another request for housing help

    The shed you posted the link for looks really good. My only concern would be ventilation in hot weather, but you can probably sort that out by making sure the run is always attached and making some windows. Also, as long as it's in the shade it should be ok. I've seen other people use similar...
  10. L

    lino in hutches

    I used to have lino in my rabbits' hutch, and they never chewed it. It wasn't foam backed though. I just cut it to the exact size of the floor, so it fitted well and there weren't any bits sticking up. I didn't use glue or anything. Also it meant I could take it out and give the whole hutch a...
  11. L

    Encouraging bunnies to eat hay

    Thanks for the help. I currently get the hay from the local farm shop in bales. It's really nice 'cos it's long strands and smells nice. I'll try gradually cutting down on pellets, and maybe put two bowls so Harry can't eat it all before Lily gets any!
  12. L

    Encouraging bunnies to eat hay

    I just wondered whether anyone has any tips on ways of encouraging rabbits to eat hay? I adopted a bunny named Harry a few weeks ago. He was badly neglected in his previous home and had severely over grown teeth because they are mis-aligned, never trimmed and he was not given any hay to eat...
  13. L

    Potential new bunny dilemma..UPDATE

    We went to Avon small animal rescue today with Lily and she got on with Harry straight awway so I decided to adopt him. They snuggled up together in the carrier all the way home and now they're hopping round the garden together :)
  14. L


    I used to use it, and never had a problem with the buns eating it. I only stopping using it because I moved house and haven't found anywhere convenient to buy it yet. I found it really economical and very absorbent. Actually, reading this thread has reminded me to have another look and try and...
  15. L

    Potential new bunny dilemma..UPDATE

    I've decided to leave it in Lily's hands and take her to meet him. If she decides she likes him then I'm sure he'll be worth every penny :) Hayley
  16. L

    Potential new bunny dilemma..UPDATE

    thanks for all the advice, I think perhaps I should speak to my vet and see what they would charge, and whether they'd do it without anesthetic. thanks Hayley
  17. L

    Potential new bunny dilemma..UPDATE

    thanks mopsmum Did your bunny who needed his back teeth done every 3 months need an anesthetic every time? Just wondering whether it's possible to cut down on the risk of anesthetics and also on the cost by having it done concious.
  18. L

    Potential new bunny dilemma..UPDATE

    thanks, that's reassuring. :)
  19. L

    Potential new bunny dilemma..UPDATE

    I recently posted in rainbow bridge about my rabbit Harvey, who was PTS just before Christmas. I've been keeping a close eye on his friend Lily to make sure she's not getting too depressed, and although she's eating and drinking ok I think she's definitely in need of a new friend. She's not as...
  20. L

    Harvey :(

    I've just got back from the vets, and Harvey has gone to the bridge to join his friend Thumper. His back legs had got so bad that he couldn't get around properly. His skin was starting to get sore because his legs were constantly on the ground, and it was getting really difficult to keep him dry...