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Search results

  1. W

    LANCASHIRE French Lops (oops!)

    I never ever post on here because of people's attitude to breeders. I know Karen very well. She loves her rabbits and many other people I know who breed rabbits are not like the lady you describe - ie tarring show breeders with the same brush. People show cats, dogs, mice, hamsters, rats...
  2. W

    too much choice of hay - I'm confused!!!

    I have Oxbow timothy and its great - smells gorgeous and goes down a treat. But it is quite expensive. I think its imported from America
  3. W

    What does your timothy hay look like?

    The timothy I have is from Oxbow and smells lovely - the rabbits gobble it up very quickly. Apparently its one of the more expensive hays.
  4. W

    Good news on the hunting front.

    Have just seen BBC News 24 on the start of the hunting season. Bad news for rats and rabbits though - because of a loophole in the law people can go after them :(
  5. W


    Yes there are alot of books. Some are American and have different names for the breeds
  6. W

    PaH boycott

    In the Reading store they kept rabbits and piggies together!
  7. W


    There was one vet book on ebay which I bid on but it hasn't reached the reserve - originally it had cost about £95
  8. W


    Here I am again - have you read: I found them all knowledgable and useful :D
  9. W

    Fox Defences

    I would use one of those battery powered fox scarers - I found a few on ebay. I have one outside with the bunnies and it seems to have worked so far - it also scares away cats, dogs etc etc
  10. W


    I've heard from other rabbit people to play music loudly to soothe them and help relax them. I'm not a firework fan either :(
  11. W

    north yorkshire newbie

    Where in North Yorkshire are you? Sorry to hear about the loss of your rabbit :(
  12. W

    Where did you get your rabbits from?

    Hi I'm just interested in where people got their rabbits from? ie breeder/rescue etc and why you chose that particular rabbit :?:
  13. W

    I'm not really new..

    Thank you for the welcomes :D
  14. W


    Your rats and bunny are lovely :D
  15. W

    Omlet eglu

    Keep a look out on ebay - eventually one will come up! :lol:
  16. W

    this is disgusting

    The whole thing sounds gruesome :(
  17. W


    I've had no trouble whatsoever - all my rabbits are fine
  18. W


    There are fox scarers on the market (and I've seen some on ebay) which use a radio frequency to deter foxes, but also dogs, cats and others. I have one for my rabbits outdoors which is weather-proof. Many neighbours have cats and it has detered them away too.
  19. W

    Omlet eglu

    They might do eventually - its not peoples' perception of what a hutch looks like which may also be a problem. Its a modern innovative design.
  20. W

    New member with a vlaamse reus bunny

    PS your bunny is a conti - a continential giant - the name was changed when it came to the uk