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Search results

  1. B

    Urgent litter training advice!

    They do get along well, although the bond took some time. Monty just didn't seem to know how to behave around another rabbit and wasn't really taking on board Edith's cues when she was annoyed at the endless humping and chasing. They seem pretty happy now, groom each other and lay down together...
  2. B

    Urgent litter training advice!

    We have one litter tray house from MPH, 2 bases that are from hooded litter trays so very low and one with high sides but a low opening for him to jump in at the front. We did try hooded but we're advised he might not like them. I'm really starting to feel like we've tried everything! Really...
  3. B

    Urgent litter training advice!

    He's 5, I specifically wanted an older rabbit as Edith is around 8. This goes so beyond just 'messy'. I really don't know what to do. I think I was naive when looking for a new companion as Edith wasn't litter trained when we got her and she litter trained overnight pretty much. She was also...
  4. B

    Urgent litter training advice!

    I knew I forgot something. I've had him for a month now.
  5. B

    Urgent litter training advice!

    Hi everyone. I used to be on here under a different name but forgot my login details so have had to re-register. I'm hoping some of you fantastically knowledgeable people will have some advice for me. We recently got a new companion for our bunny Edith, called Monty from ARC. He is the most...