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Search results

  1. Z

    New Run Setup for my Trio

    Thats looks absolutely fabulous! Wish I had the time and effort to make something like that for my bun... not to mention the space 😅
  2. Z

    Outdoor bunny hutch - DIY

    That was really helpful as I am planning on keeping my bunnies indoors but giving them outdoor time but I didn’t have many ideas as of how to layout an area. Really glad a came across this :D
  3. Z

    Improving my setup

    Thank you everyone for the help! Got some really great tips and I will be looking to get a larger litter tray, a mat for some friction and some kind of cover! :)
  4. Z

    Improving my setup

    Thanks for the advice! Going to get an old cheap rug from a charity shop or off of ebay :)
  5. Z

    Improving my setup

    Hi there! I have recently brought my two bunnies inside (they used to free roam the garden) after becoming aware of a few videos about safety... since watching these videos I quickly realised that my rabbits would be better of inside. They currently stay in my bedroom but have access to the...
  6. Z

    Should I bring my Free-Range outdoor rabbits inside?

    Thank you for the help! I have made the decision to keep them inside but allow outside time when it gets a bit warmer in the upcoming weeks... they seem to have adjusted well and are eating, drinking and going to the toilet perfectly fine :)
  7. Z

    Should I bring my Free-Range outdoor rabbits inside?

    I have two male rabbits who currently live very comfortably roaming our large secure garden, and have done for many years. However, I want to bring them into my house and roam inside instead as I very rarely get to socialise with them when they are outside, not only that but I struggle to...