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Search results

  1. F

    Inedible litter tray mat?

    Hi another update: I recently went to ikea and was able to purchase the lid of a storage box for only £4! It is hard sturdy plastic and has a little curve around the edges. So far she has not attempted to chew it and it has kept all the hay from spreading everywhere (the bits that fall out her...
  2. F

    Inedible litter tray mat?

    Just an update to everyone responding :) My bunny has already had a litter of bunnies when she was younger and then was spayed around 1 and a half years old. She is up to date with all her injections and i already use a cat litter tray which has a top on. She also has many things to chew on...
  3. F

    Inedible litter tray mat?

    After having my bunny for 6 months now she has started to become a little nibbler and has started to chew everything!!! She is a free roam bunny and has the whole flat to go around. She is litter trained and has a litter tray in the corner of my lounge which use to have a bathroom mat underneath...