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  1. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Hi Tonibun. There was more chasing yesterday evening and I didn’t want to risk leaving them unsupervised so I put a divider in the shed to keep them apart with a boy each on either side. What do I do now? Should I bring them to a neutral territory and start bonding them again? Just the girls or...
  2. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Update: they are both in their house together now and one girl is grooming the dominant one. Maybe just a tiff? Not sure what would have happened if I hadn’t been here when they were fighting earlier though!
  3. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    And also - thank you so much for your help - I really appreciate it!
  4. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Hi Tonibun. All went well with the spay and the girls were together for two weeks after that in a small penned off area in the shed. All good. I thought the girls were bonded. A couple of days ago the vet said they were all good to put together. So I popped all four in the kitchen and they got...
  5. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Hi Tonibun, I decided to take your advice and let the buns be together with me watching for awhile. All was great so they have now been together all day for over a week. They get on great - no fighting, lots of grooming, sharing food, sleeping and playing together. At night i’ve separated them...
  6. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    It's tricky. Today, they were in the kitchen together as we had builders in the garden so I thought I'd take them all in, watch them closely and see how they got on. It was amazing, they all hopped in the hay basket and ate together, slept together etc. This was for about 6 hours! Totally...
  7. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Yes, I got them altogether at the same time. The two girls get on great and the two boys get on great. I am not sure how it will work when they're together. I'm waiting until the girls are spayed to bond them but they can see each other through the divider in the shed. Sometimes they have come...
  8. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Thanks for the advice tonibun. It is a bit better now that I've cut back on pellets but I'll not worry too much and see how it goes. They seem happy and healthy! Yes, I am planning on a quartet! Hopefully I can manage the bonding process! :)
  9. T

    Rabbits not eating their cecotropes

    Hi, I hope this is in the right place on the forum - think it's diet related... I have four young bunnies - two girls and boys - 13 weeks old. The boys are neutered but the girls not spayed yet; just waiting until their old enough. They live in a big shed - 14 by 8 foot (one half for girls and...