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Search results

  1. B

    Safe foraging

    Hi all, I'd really like to offer my rabbits some foraging as at the moment they just have the odd dandillion from the garden! But I'm not sure what else can be given. I live near a large woodland area and I imagine there's a lot on offer, but I worry about whether this is safe to give what...
  2. B

    Litter tray

    Hello, Just wondering what everyone uses in their litter trays? And also how often you clean them out? We're currently using wood shavings and cleaning it out twice a day. Our little tray is a small corner one that's big enough for one bunny but it doesn't leave much room for hay at the front...
  3. B

    Keeping outdoor run dry

    Hello, I have my rabbits in an outdoor run but am having trouble keeping the rain away. Their hutch and run are covered with a large polythene sheet which keeps the direct rainfall out, but the run is on a patio which is not completely level with each neighbouring slab, meaning the run does not...