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Search results

  1. C

    Toilet training young rabbits - sticky mess overnight!

    Thank you very much all!!! Lots of helpful suggestions that make a lot of sense!!
  2. C

    Toilet training young rabbits - sticky mess overnight!

    Thank you for the warm welcome by the way. They are called Cookie and Krümel (the latter is German for crumble)
  3. C

    Toilet training young rabbits - sticky mess overnight!

    They have more hay than they can eat and i give them about 150g of dry food per day but they don't manage to empty their bowl. They are still being transitioned from the previous owners's feeds, so at the moment they are on a mix of their respective feeds and Harrington's (which was my chosen...
  4. C

    Toilet training young rabbits - sticky mess overnight!

    Hi, We have recently joined the world of bunny ownership and want to get this right, so lots to learn :-) Our setup is an indoor one for the winter with a cage and a playpen-style run just outside of the cage. The bunnies are roughly 9-10 weeks old. I understand that toilet training your...