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Search results

  1. L

    Naughty buns!

    Thanks for your response rolopolo! They're only free range in the living room which is quite large. I live in a small flat so the only other rooms are the bathroom and bedroom. They have a habit of weeing on my bed and I keep stuff that I don't want them getting to in my bedroom. I could try...
  2. L

    Naughty buns!

    (Sorry this is so long! Unsure whether to post this in housing or behaviour as it covers both). I'm losing it with my 2 bonded neutered buns (male and female). I moved house in November into a carpeted flat - we had laminate flooring before (the bunnies love the carpet now because they've got...
  3. L

    Not eating cecotropes

    Hi, I hope I'm posting this in the right section. In the last 2-3 days I've noticed one of my bunnies (still not 100% sure which or even if it's both of them but I think it's Lily) has been leaving cecotropes around the flat on and off. Her diet hasn't been changed very recently (a few weeks...
  4. L

    Bunny lying down a lot...help?

    Thanks for your responses! Jack's-Jane - The flooring here is laminate which is really not ideal but I have several rugs/carpet bits around for grip. She was on wood flooring before though which wasn't much better! The bond seems to have gone quite smoothly - the rescue bonded them and brought...
  5. L

    How often do you clean the litter tray?

    I thought I was the only one struggling with needing to clean litter trays often - I've been trying to stick to doing them every other day but the buns really do start pooing everywhere once it gets a bit dirty, even though they are generally well litter trained. I think I'll have to start doing...
  6. L

    Bunny lying down a lot...help?

    My bun Lily has been exhibiting some strange behaviour since we moved in May. I kept thinking it was just her adapting to a new environment but even though shes settled now she still does it. She spends a LOT of time lying down flopped out, usually in her pen (she's free range when I'm in the...
  7. L

    Considering a second bun...

    Thanks everyone for the replies! My plan is to have her free-range but I'm currently working on the bunny-proofing and in rented accommodation it does cause quite a lot of paranoia thinking about her rampaging about while I'm not in. Zoobec - I didn't realise she needed so much permanent...
  8. L

    Considering a second bun...

    Sorry if this is a bit long or in the wrong section of the forum. I'm a first time bunny owner and I've had Lily for a year and a half. I did research but definitely not enough before getting her - she was from pets at home and they sold me a far too small indoor cage as they tend to do! If I...