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Search results

  1. Lagomorph

    Are bunnies worth it?

    After losing a much beloved conti a few years ago after lengthy vet treatment i vowed never to have another bunny. However after having my daughter I really began to realise life is amazing and you should grab happiness when you can. Bunnies can bring so much joy.
  2. Lagomorph

    (Waves) Hi Everybunny!

    Thank you for the warm welcome .
  3. Lagomorph

    (Waves) Hi Everybunny!

    Thank you everybody for a warm welcome. He's still settling in but you can see a little pic of my handsome chap in my avatar.
  4. Lagomorph

    (Waves) Hi Everybunny!

    Hello! Im new here, but not new to rabbits. As a family we have had a variety of bunnies over the years from a nethie to continental giants, they've all broke my heart in the end so we were bunnyless for a few years...until yesterday, when we adopted a red eyed white mix buck who the fosterer...