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Search results

  1. M

    Ideas for flooring

    I need ideas on how to make my rabbits cages more cozier. They are inside but the room they are in is always so cold, it doesn't help either that the floor is tiles. At the moment, all I have down on top of most of the tiles is some cardboard. I've given them a fleece blanket too but they don't...
  2. M

    Bonding two rabbits

    Thanks for all the advice, but I actually don't know any rabbit people here. There's a couple that I would know through a forum but certainly they wouldn't bond the recommended way. I guess I'll just have to wait until I get a few days off together to do it myself, however that won't be until...
  3. M

    Bonding two rabbits

    Unfortunately that's not an option, I'm in Ireland and there is not one rabbit rescue here :( I understand the 'normal' way to bond, but was wondering if anyone on here bonds by gradually introducing and could offer some tips? Like would it be best to do it in a small space like the usual way...
  4. M

    Bonding two rabbits

    Hi guys, Cooper and Dexter are both males, neutered a couple of years and about 5 years old. They both live side by side in their cages. I would love for them to be bonded as I know the benefits of keeping them in pairs but also I would be able to give them free run of one room together. The...