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Search results

  1. HelenSB

    I'm 2 today!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qvjpeo68jfm6jb/20151018_212410.jpg?dl=0 I think I can be naughty now I'm 2. After all they do call it the terrible two's!
  2. HelenSB

    Are any of your bunnies on Facebook?

    I'm probably ever so slightly mad but do any of you have your lovely bunnies on Facebook. I'm crazy enough to have put Mr Higgins on so wondered if anyone else is as crazy as me.
  3. HelenSB

    Rabbits and artifical grass.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/yu05576ow6ybr2d/20150816_165638.jpg?dl=0 Mr Higgins now has his large Ryedale hutch attached to his 8ft x 4ft run which I'm very happy with. He's actually an indoor rabbit but goes outside for a few hours whenever the weather is good. We have artifical grass so the...
  4. HelenSB

    Is my rabbit a good weight?

    I've purchased some scales so i can weigh Mr Higgins. I thought I might have trouble getting him on the scales but to my surprise he jumped straight on them. He's exactly 3kg or 6lb 9oz. He's 19 months old and a lop cross. (Possibly a French cross). Now I have an accurate weight for him but I'm...
  5. HelenSB

    Great service from Welfare Hutches

    I ordered a connection kit from Welfare Hutches last week so was expecting delivery any day now. I've just had a call from them informing me that the machinery they use to make the kits had been out of use for a few days but was now working again and my order would be dispatched today. I...
  6. HelenSB

    Do your bunnies have funny little habits unique to them?

    Mr Higgins won't drink from a bottle so has always had water in a bowl. Now he's developed a habit of putting his toys in the water bowl. I'm guessing he can take them out of he wants a drink but I'm constantly tidying it up for him while he sits watching me with a look on his face that's saying...
  7. HelenSB

    Look how clean my tootsies are mummy!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/1eiexg8wbwlfn2j/20150707_155230.jpg?dl=0 Mr Higgins showing off his cute little feet.
  8. HelenSB

    Mr Higgins the baby sitting rabbit

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/q83tkxd2j4ag123/20150626_150420.jpg?dl=0 Nobody touch the baby. I'm on babysitting duty!.
  9. HelenSB

    Nobody is gonna pinch my breakfast while I have 40 winks!

  10. HelenSB

    Does my bum look big when I lay like this?

  11. HelenSB

    Please Mum can I sleep on your bed tonight?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/agvfv32p8zznf32/20150514_194316.jpg?dl=0 Mr Higgins relaxing on my bed tonight.
  12. HelenSB

    I may be sleeping but.....

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/hg0iwzzjntnr8le/20150506_192907.jpg?dl=0 that doesn't mean anyone can take my food bowl!
  13. HelenSB

    I only went to put the kettle on.......

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/04qz3cba60ux1i0/20150429_135422.jpg?dl=0 When I came back Mr Higgins had broken into his treat jar. Don't worry I didn't leave him to eat them all.
  14. HelenSB

    Looking for advice regarding Mr Higgins' toilet habits.

    Mr Higgins has had a few toilet problems over the last week or so. A little bit of diarrhea and then not doing any poo's overnight but thankfully all seems well now. The problem I have now is that when he's in his run in the garden he doesn't go to the toilet at all. Take today for example. I...
  15. HelenSB

    Mr Higgins not so well but in a very relaxed mood

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh15hv4y4uvjjh6/20150418_142807-1.jpg?dl=0 This is Mr Higgins in a rather relaxed mood just a few minutes ago. He's a little poorly today. He had diarrhea this morning just the same as he had on Good Friday. However he seems fine in himself and is eating Ok. I'm just...
  16. HelenSB

    Vibes for Mr Higgins please.....

    Mr Higgins has a mild case of diarrhea this morning. It's the first time he's ever had it and I've gone into complete panic mode. He eat his breakfast fine this morning and seems to be his normal self, running around and eating a few treats. His litter tray has normal poo's but he's come down...
  17. HelenSB

    Did the booster injection affect your rabbits behaviour?

    Mr Higgins had his booster injection on Tuesday and since then he's become a devil rabbit. Before he was docile and really wasn't any trouble at all. Now he's constantly chewing the carpet and jumping in the window and trying to eat the plants and flowers. It's like he's a different rabbit. I'm...
  18. HelenSB

    Mr Higgins's trip to the vet

    Well Mr Higgins and I are back from our visit to the vets this morning. It wasn't a too bad an experience but I'm glad we don't have to do it many times a year. I tried the Vet Remedy and while it seemed to calm him a bit at home it was a different story at the vets. As soon as he was let out of...
  19. HelenSB

    Anyone got one of these rabbit runs

    I'm thinking of getting Mr Higgins a new run for the summer. Was wondering if anyone had one of these. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sjylnfyojzit0z1/Screenshot_2015-03-12-15-33-17.png?dl=0
  20. HelenSB

    It's Mr Higgins' gotcha day.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/9a9k7gxlf0f783r/20150303_162952.jpg?dl=0 One year ago today my little 4 legged furry companion came into my life and things haven't been the same since. Thanks for being my buddy Mr H.