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Search results

  1. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    Oh Yaretzi I think that's it! I feel guilty because I think it's cold and damp, not them! Their behaviour is exactly the same as it would be in the summer. They do come in the house in the summer too, they just like being with humans. I have felt the base of their ears this morning as it's...
  2. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    Thanks everyone :) I DO feel guilty, especially when I see them squeezing into the house as soon as a door is cracked open! Their kennel is definitely draught proofed, but it will still be cold. I've added boxes for them to snuggle in and carpeted the walls (I must be mad!) but they don't...
  3. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    I think they've already grown a winter coat........at least, it's really thick and snuggly. Does that make a difference to my decision? Might they be too warm? Their setup is definitely draught free.
  4. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    Oh I really don't know :( Pros for keeping them outside Their kennel is quite insulated, I've carpeted the walls and they have snuggle boxes etc (although they use them as chew toys!). DH put plastic on the windows of the run (with air holes) so there's no draughts, but that doesn't get away...
  5. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    I've got a puppy pen I could attach, that's no problem, so they would near enough have as much space as they have outdoors. And at the end of January (logistics until then!) they could have the full room, rabbit proofed. So once they're in, they have to stay in? No short runs around the...
  6. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    Oh and another thing - I presume they can go back outside in May/June time when the weather warms up?
  7. K

    Bringing the buns indoors during the winter?

    Hello all I haven't been here for some time as I got a new job and life has been very busy! Our French Lops, Daisy and Gatsby are gorgeous and so very friendly and we love them lots! I'm posting for advice about bringing the bunnies indoors for the winter. At the moment, they've got a...
  8. K

    Brother and sister bunnies

    I have a bro and sis bunnies who were neutered a few weeks ago. The vet said he advocated early neutering, and he also said that they weren't happy on being separated, so he recommended that they were kept together all of the time. We brought them home and let them be together but keeping a...
  9. K

    Advice on what to do about destructive bunnies please

    Aaarghhhh!!!! *runs for the hills* 7 years?!?!?!?!?!? I've taken the run off the grass and they're now confined to their main enclosure (still huge) which is on decking. The grass (holes) looks horrendous :lol: It's a good thing they're sweet.......
  10. K

    Advice on what to do about destructive bunnies please

    Well at least it's just teenage behaviour - and it will pass...... but still :roll: :roll: I've just bought them another tunnel today. They haven't been through it yet, but I know they like it as....they've chewed it :) They really are smug. They dig frantically and then actually turn round...
  11. K

    Advice on what to do about destructive bunnies please

    Daisy and Gatsby are now 5 months old and both have been neutered a few weeks ago. Neutering went incredibly well, they hardly noticed and are sweet, friendly bunnies. Except..... they are INCREDIBLY destructive. They gnaw/bite/destroy everything they come into contact with outside their...
  12. K

    MOUF MONDAY!!! (yeah, it's a thing)

    Two for the price of one!
  13. K

    My new hay storage box :)

    I recommend the Keter garden storage box from Argos. It looks a bit flimsy when you buy it, and as you're putting it together you're thinking "this is tat" but it's really excellent, keeps the contents bone dry. I keep all the bunny stuff in there. I was sceptical about it but I've been...
  14. K

    No one knows how I got up here, but I sure can't get down.......

    Thanks all, I've been laughing all day at the daft things they've done. I had no idea how he got up there as it's quite a hop from their enclosure, however, later on I realised that he'd pushed a plastic chair near and mega hopped onto it. I only realised this when he did exactly the same...
  15. K

    No one knows how I got up here, but I sure can't get down.......

    While he's busy escaping, I'll tip the hay into my hair.
  16. K

    No one knows how I got up here, but I sure can't get down.......

    This garden box looks interesting..... Might as well investigate seeing as I'm up here. What's in this window? Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, this clematis is rather tasty...... Yeah, might have to think about telling the human I'm stuck.
  17. K

    Don't breed or buy when rabbits in need still die

    Maybe rescues need to be more "out there" about rescue rabbits though? And therefore I agree with the previous poster about taking this to a broader platform such as RWAF. Certainly, before I found this forum, I had no idea that rabbits needed rescuing, I honestly thought that when people got...
  18. K

    What's going on here (noises from bunny)

    Ok - I never thought of this as a health thing, it seems like something they do when happy and I was hoping that confirmed it! I will have a word with the vet tomorrow morning - if it is something health related it's worth catching early.
  19. K

    What's going on here (noises from bunny)

    Quick bump for this - would be grateful if anyone can shed any light!
  20. K

    What's going on here (noises from bunny)

    There's a couple of odd quirks that I'd like explained if anyone can? :) Both bunnies have started to make an odd noise, more so Gatsby, but Daisy does it too if she is very relaxed. It happens right after a flop, when they flop down and then they start making a sort of grunt noise, but it's a...