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Search results

  1. Liiisa

    Escaping babies

    Hello mums babies are escaping, they r 2 weeks old tomorrow and I have a hutch pictured and if I shut the trap door the mum opens it with her nose but if I dnt the bunnies end up on ground floor. They r inside so will they be ok? They r fast little things aren't they...
  2. Liiisa

    New mum.

    Hello all, my bigger bunny had an unexpected litter and since the kits has been eating a lot, regardless of what I give her she eats it all. I guess this is normal cos she's feeding 5 babies too. Is there any specifics she needs to have? I have read the thread about babies but I can't find...
  3. Liiisa

    New mum attacking other rabbit

    I've had 2 bunnies for 3 weeks, yesterday I woke up to 5 baby bunnies, I had seperated the two the night before because I was worried as the bigger one was making a nest. Anyway, whenever they play we get them both out. However, the big new mummy one keeps chasing the other one around its cage...
  4. Liiisa


    Hello everyone, As u may see from my housing post, I have 2 bunnies. One is bigger then the other, the youngest is about 14 weeks I think but I'm unsure how old the other one is. Anyway, the big bunny keeps pulling fur out. Then tonight I have picked her up and her nipples are more noticeable...
  5. Liiisa

    Newbie after advice.

    Hello firstly I'm Lisa, we have 2 bunnies which we have had for a few weeks now, I want to do my very best by them, they have a cage inside which is used when they are in. they also had a hutch with a run which is in the shed. Is isn't very big really tho but an improvement on what they come...