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  1. Liiisa


    More videos uploaded on the link. He can defo move them, when his siblings approach he goes mad like he's running on his side! Bless him
  2. Liiisa


    Hello all, he's still the same although he's fed 4 times today and had 2.5 each time. Partner come home and said he's defo fatter whivh made me smile. However he hasn't been the toilet, I wipe a warm cloth on his bum and he just doesn't do anything but his belly bubbles, is there a reason for...
  3. Liiisa

    Escaping babies

    They aren't rolling they are crawling :/
  4. Liiisa

    Escaping babies

    Hello mums babies are escaping, they r 2 weeks old tomorrow and I have a hutch pictured and if I shut the trap door the mum opens it with her nose but if I dnt the bunnies end up on ground floor. They r inside so will they be ok? They r fast little things aren't they...
  5. Liiisa


    Took him to the vets and they said due to his size they can't really say its this or that, they have given me panacur and a pain killer incase. I've taken another video of him in his own, his front works and his back but it's like he can't grip with his front paws meaning he can stand, is there...
  6. Liiisa


  7. Liiisa


    The others have been pulling themselves around etc for a while and he's not. He just seen to curl up in a ball on his side? Shall reassess tomorrow morning
  8. Liiisa


    Having a little cry. One of the babies doesn't seem to be able to stand or move like the other 4. Spoken to a friend who works at pets at home and sent a video and he thinks its head tilt, I am ringing vets tomorrow. :((((
  9. Liiisa

    Giant house bunny... Best decision ever! - Extra pics of Reggie Bun

    Love this thread, recently got 2 bunnies for my son thinking they r easy pets. Lmaooo! Then woke upto 5 babies nearly two weeks ago. I Love them all and I feel so sad but u guys makes me feel normal lol xxx
  10. Liiisa


    Hello all, they have their eyes open as of today. :) However mum is very angry. Thumping and won't let us go near her, like running off. My bunny house will get started on Wednesday, so then she will have lots more space in about a weeks time. Which I think she'll need because they will start...
  11. Liiisa


    Bruno and ice http://instagr.am/p/UoLz9eNv6S/ This is tiny, the one who wasn't getting as much http://instagr.am/p/UoLmGRNv6G/
  12. Liiisa


    It is. They are very cute now, were like aliens for first few days x
  13. Liiisa


    http://forums.rabbitrehome.org.uk/showthread.php?375034-Update-on-babies&p=5724713#post5724713 Includes pix, I posted in wrong place ha :/ x
  14. Liiisa


    Update on babies Hello all, everyone is fine, today we noticed there is a very small one which obviously isn't getting enough milk compared to the others so we have started feeding him twice a day off the mommy. http://instagr.am/p/Uj8fKsNvyL/ There's a greedy ****** in the pack too who's...
  15. Liiisa


    All going wonderful. Mommy is a good one :)
  16. Liiisa

    New mum.

    Babies r 3 days, yes pellets, hay, greens she's having
  17. Liiisa

    New mum.

    Hello all, my bigger bunny had an unexpected litter and since the kits has been eating a lot, regardless of what I give her she eats it all. I guess this is normal cos she's feeding 5 babies too. Is there any specifics she needs to have? I have read the thread about babies but I can't find...
  18. Liiisa

    New mum attacking other rabbit

    Hello They just done it again, but I noticed it may be because the little one is following her around and sniffing/nudging the new mums bum. She didnt do this before. Why would the little one do this to the new mum?
  19. Liiisa

    New mum attacking other rabbit

    Yeah fine, they would snuggle up and we only separated them just a few hours before she had them, it's strange cos I lock the hutch so he can't get anywhere near the babies. She was also thumping on the floor before I even got the lil one out! :/