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Search results

  1. S

    I think Smudge has snuffles - advice about what to ask vet

    :( Just been sat with them and smudge did a couple of really loud sneezes, had a look at her nose and there's a white discharge around it.. So got her booked in to see the vet at 4:30, I was just wondering if there was anything in particular I need to make sure they do? Like nasal swabs or...
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    Rabbit first aid box thread

    Hi the past couple of days Cleo has been really unwell, she seems to be on the mend now after two trips to the vets but it's made me realise just how unprepared I am for if things go wrong.. I remember there was a thread a while ago that people were suggesting things that would be useful to...
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    Hey well basically I have a temporary rabbit in my room, Cleo. I've just cleaned her out and noticed some tiny little bugs running around on the Lino.. I tried to pick one up to have a closer look but squashed it.. I haven't noticed anything on her, but then again it's pretty hard to look at...
  4. S

    Rabbits just given birth- help please!

    I'm looking after a rabbit and she's just given birth.. There's four babies but unfortunately they are all dead.. There's blood all over! She's licking them so I don't know if I should leve them in there or take them out? Also should I clear the blood up or should I leave her to rest until...
  5. S

    Help please! Rabbit fight! Vet?

    So I woke up to lots of noise from the rabbit room, Humbug had managed to get into Dylan and Spice's pen and he was fighting with Dylan.. I managed to separate them and get Humbug back into his pen. He laid down, breathing really heavily but is now munching hay Spice has a little cut on the...
  6. S

    Help needed please! Big fight!!

    Well as some of you may know I've just had my two pairs bonded into a quad, everything was going fine.. Just the odd chase between Millie and Spice.. Heard a bit of a commotion going on in the bunny room, just left it because it normally calms down itself after like a second but this didn't so...
  7. S

    Quad **Pic heavy**

    Just thought I'd update on the bonding of my two pairs and a thank you sooo much to Fat Fluffs rescue for getting things started for me! Sorry about the size, photobucket is playing up and won't save any of my changes :evil: On the way home Chilling together Humbug using Millie as a...
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    I've just found evidence of mice in the house :( Do they pose a risk to the rabbits? We've had them before but thought we'd blocked up all the holes and now I'm really freaking out incase the rabbits can catch anything from them.. I'm so relieved they are away at the minute and that Pod is...
  9. S

    Rabbit bonding service

    Hi, Does anyone offer/know of anyone that offers a rabbit bonding service? I'm in the north east of england but I'm willing to travel as long as It's not too far. I have two pairs that I would love to have as a quad but I'm terrified of trying to do it myself :oops:
  10. S

    Bonding service in North east england

    Hi, basically was wondering if anyone offers/knows anyone that offers a bunny bonding service in or around the north east of England? I have two pairs, Humbug and Millie and Dylan and Spice and would love for them to be a quad but the thought of trying to bond them myself terrifies me.. :oops:
  11. S

    Territorial bunny - Poddington Pea U/D back to square one..

    So Pod is still attacking me whenever I go into his pen.. He's soo deceiving, he'll stand up on his hind legs looking all cute but as soon as I put anything inside he goes crazy.. He also sprayed me with pee this morning, got me right in the face.. which was lovely.. :lol: I just don't know...
  12. S

    is it possible for rabbits to not like someone?

    Basically as title.. I'm feeling a but disheartened at the minute because I just don't think pod likes me :( I'm obviously not going to give up on him and have taken to stroking him with a soft brush to try and get him used to being touched.. I have no idea if this is the right thing to do but...
  13. S

    So Pod is moving house.. **pic heavy**

    I do feel awful for moving him again but this will be worth it.. honest! Basically the garage is getting lino put down on Friday so he'd had to be moved inside for the day anyway so I thought I would move him inside until the better weather :D This will hopefully mean he'll get more used to...
  14. S

    Pee stains

    I've had an idea! :D It involves a dog crate that is a bit worse for wear in regards to pee stains.. does anyone have any ideas as to how to get rid of them so it's in a useable way again?
  15. S

    Pod and his new friend **PIC HEAVY**

    Hmm what's this?? And this?? Not interested!! Ooo should I step outside.. No more photo's now please Bye :wave: :love::love::love:
  16. S

    Poddington Pea is not a morning bunny..

    Just been out to give him some munch and change his water.. opened the cage and put my hand in to put the food in his bowl and he gave out a little grunt and attacked my hand! :lol: Obviously exactly like me and doesn't like people disturbing him this early :lol: :love::love:
  17. S

    Poddington Pea

    I'm soooo pleased I've finally got him home, just a shame he's a naughty bun and won't chill out a bit! :lol: So he's on his own for the time being. This is his very temporary set up! There was a delay in the pen panels I'd ordered, they were meant to be here Thursday but now won't be here...
  18. S

    Humbug has just made me have a heart attack!!!

    I'm still shaking!!! Walked into the bun room to say hello and top up hay.. Humbug was laid flat out on his side on the blanket kind of like twitching, eyes pretty much shut. Panic set in straight away from previous experiences so I got in their pen and stroked him, no response.. Now this is...
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    Spice is settling in well

    and one of Humbug just because he's gorgeous! :love::love:
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    Dylan's happy again

    I think my Dylan's happy again, and seeing him happy makes me happy :D He was originally sat in the corner of the pen while Spice stayed in the carrier on her own.. But then Dylan decided to join her for snuggle time :love: :love::love::love: (Sorry for the size of the photo's, I can't...