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Search results

  1. W

    Hello, can anybody help?

    Hiya, yes she is an outdoor bun. Her hutch is spacious and she has lots of room in it anyway!! I know she needs a run attaching, I was looking at this one; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/6-FT-RABBIT-GUINEA-PIG-POULTRY-RUN-HUTCH-/221103737404?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Small_Animals&hash=item337acf4a3c What...
  2. W

    Hello, can anybody help?

    Hiya all, it's 'pinkbun' here (Sammy), This was my mother, she'd made an account so that she could see why I was obsessed with the forum:roll::roll: Anyway, thanks for answering to this post!! I'm thinking of getting her either a hutch with a run or buying her a run and somehow attaching it...
  3. W

    Hello, can anybody help?

    Right; Cardboard Grass Hay The run, I will get one. Rabbit is often in hutch all day with family working. Just wanted to know some ways to make rabbit happy:)
  4. W

    Hello, can anybody help?

    Hello, I have one bunny. I would like some ways to enrich it's lifestyle, most of the time it is in a hutch. It doesn't have a run but does go in the garden when i'm home. It is well looked after and enjoys cuddles I just have no toys for it. Any ideas?:oops::oops: I quite like the idea of...