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Search results

  1. elmwood

    Bonded bun lost his mate- replacement bun proving difficult to bond

    Hi, Our 2.5 year old Hector lost his wife, Gracie on 25.3. He was bereft, so a day later, after advice from a lady at PAH, we introduced a soft rabbit toy, same size as Gracie-Hector sleeps and grooms this toy to this day. Two weeks ago we arranged for a potential non neutered 18 mth old girl...
  2. elmwood

    Oak leaves - poisoning our bun?

    Hi, Well Ive done the research and accept that amongst many leaves *Oak* leaves seems to be toxic to buns. Sadly our Hector, loves them! Since they have been falling, he seems to get in every and any corner to munch away along with the stalks. We let the buns have free range of the garden when...
  3. elmwood

    Hello from Hector & Gracie

    Hello, Here are our two buns Hector & Gracie from a PetWelfare Centre. Hector is a Harlequin Dwarf Lop and Gracie and Dwarf Lop x Lionhead. They are approx 2years old, and bonded before we re-homed them last week. They are settling in extremely well, discovering their new home & playground with...