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Search results

  1. Z

    Littile Mao is coming

    Littile Mao, my second rabbit, is a black boy like Beans. His hoby is chewing hay all the time and running in the house. Here are some pics. Enjoy~:love: chewing hay having a rest thinking? licking my hand hahaha~~
  2. Z

    My honey Beans

    Nice to meet you, everyone. I'm Beans,a black boy from China. My favorite sport is running in my small garden. I'm very happy to make friends with all the lovely rabbits here. I left my mummy 3 months ago, but she said I was always in her heart.
  3. Z

    avena sativa & oat hay?

    Hi, everyone here. I'm Mao Rabbit's mummy from China. Rencenty many friends of mine have purchased a kind of hay from Australia for their rabbits and provided them unlimited amount each day. As far as I know, the hay is called avena sativa and it’s for cows. I think it's a bad choice for rabbit...