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Search results

  1. M

    Metal wood protector thingy?

    So frustrated, cannot remember for the life of me what those metal strip-type things are called which people screw onto the frames of their bunny sheds so that their buns don't chew on the wood. They're sort of like an L shaped prism and they fit over the sides of the studs of the walls. Please...
  2. M

    Find the hidden bunny!

    HINT: There are two bunnies in this picture :D:lol:
  3. M

    Milky & Honey Bonding Diary *UD P.5 with Pics*

    It's been almost 8 weeks since they were both neutered so we've decided to try bonding them today. They've been together for around two and a half hours now, and so far it's going great. There's been mutual grooming, eating and flopping next to each other. No humping or chasing yet which will...
  4. M

    Rabbit Groomer needed in London?

    Hello all, do any Londoners know of any groomers that are willing to do home visits in the area? My pair are in desperate need of a nail trim. I got a pair of rabbit nail trimmers and have been trying to do it myself for the past few weeks but to no avail. All attempts have ended after a lot of...
  5. M

    Honey the Escape Artist...Ready to Bond?

    Basically, before I can explain what happened, I'll have to describe what the bunny's housing is like, as well as the bunny's current situation. They were both neutered exactly a month ago today, and were both living separately for a while before that too. Because they're currently living as two...
  6. M

    Bike Shed--> Bunny Shed

    Hello all! I'm getting this shed, the 6ft x 4ft one, very, very soon (excited!) but I have some questions. 1. How could I cut out a hole for a window (and a cat flap for a run)? It's been done before, if you scroll down at the customer pictures, someone has converted one of these to a bunny...
  7. M

    "She's a BOY?!" (A Spay Story) *Updated with questions*

    So, this morning Milky and Honey went to the vets for their "spays". and when the nurse was checking them, she sexed them and we found that Milky was actually a little boy! I was in disbelief as first of all, the person we got them from (an owner of rabbits for 20 years) told us he was a she...
  8. M

    Which is easier/better?

    Bonding a pair with a single or bonding three singles together? I understand that all bun buns are different but generally speaking, which is better or easier? EDIT: Omgosh, just noticed the sticky at the top of the page -_- Sorry people! *dopey*
  9. M

    Poor Honey Bunny (Pic heavy?)

    Honey was zoinked out this morning after a night of wrecking/"redecorating" my room and keeping me up all night :roll: Sorry for the quality, taken with my crappy phone xP
  10. M

    Minimum space for 3 medium buns

    Hellooo! I'm looking to adopt a third bunny to bond into a trio with my current pair in a few months time and I'm planning the build of a shed and run for them to live in come Spring time. What do you think the minimum amount of space three buns should have is? My current plan is a 7ft x 5ft...
  11. M

    Shed Skids- Where to find?!

    Hellooo all! I'm looking into building a shed for my two rabbits for them to move into come Spring. I've found sourcing the materials fairly easy as B&Q and Wickes sell practically everything I need, except for the skids for the base of the shed. I need 3.6m with the measurements of width= 10cm...
  12. M

    Which Oat Hay from Hay Experts is Best?

    Hellooo :D I recently discovered how much my pair love green oat hay (bought a small pack from Wilkinsons) and I was having a look at the Hay Experts for their range. I want something that I can give them as a treat and supplement to their regular unlimited Timothy on Rye...Which of theirs do...
  13. M

    Can having rabbits in the home attract rats?

    Ok, wasn't too sure on where to post this, so if it's in the wrong place, just tell me: Quick question, my neighbour started getting rats in their home and they're blaming it on my rabbits who are housed in indoors. Is this actually possible? Can rabbits attract rats? It sounds ludicrous to...
  14. M

    "Who told you to stop?!" D<

    So the other day I was sitting on the first step of my stairs, Milky jumps up on to the second step next to me and demands to be stroked. I obliged and after a few seconds I stopped for a second to check my phone and she looked up at me as if to say "who told you to stop petting me?!" This...
  15. M

    Bonding two unrelated unspayed females? U/D- Post 10!

    Ok, I know that the best pairing for rabbits is female and male, but for reasons I won't go into, I have two female rabbits. They're both babies (one is 11/12 weeks old, the other is 8/9 weeks old, the latter I got two days ago). I am going to get them both spayed at around the same time, but of...