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Search results

  1. D

    help with putting hutch to run

    :wave: Sorry I have not been on for a while, lots have been going on as some of you I lost my cat zoe who was 21 years old and that was hard for all of us especially Rizzo who loved her lots too. It took time and lots of looking but at last in April last year we got a new kitten called Hope...
  2. D

    help with putting hutch to run

    :wave: Sorry I have not been on for a while, lots have been going on as some of you I lost my cat zoe who was 21 years old and that was hard for all of us especially Rizzo who loved her lots too. It took time and lots of looking but at last in April last year we got a new kitten called Hope...
  3. D

    have you bathed your rabbit before

    :wave: rizzo is moulting big style and I was wondering if it may help by bathing him. Has anyone bathed their rabbits before? Do you use warm or hot water? And how do you get the rabbit use to the water? Is it ok to bath a rabbit or will it take out any of his natural oils in his fur if i do...
  4. D

    Should i move my rizzo

    :wave: As some of you know rizzo had a little fright last monday and thanks again for all your help. I was thinking before he got sick of moving him to a shed with access to a run on his terms. But now i am not sure and I am worried that he may get frighted again. What should i do?:(
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    very worried please help!

    just went to cover rizzo up for the night and to give him his night hay. and he usely eats it before i can get it in his bowl. But he just layed down then had a drink and layed down again. He felt cold to the touch, i brought him inside and he seemed to be more active and himself. Put him back...
  6. D

    London pet show

    :wave: morning all has anyone been to the london pet show before? as i am thinking of going but having a little trouble in finding transport coming from hertfordshire and not keen on the undergrounds. Is the show good?
  7. D

    summer house help!

    hello :wave: Can anyone help i am thinking in moving rizzo my 4 year old dutch to a shed. I the shed that i am going to put him in has the sun on it all day and i am worried that he would get too hot in the summer. how do you keep your rabbits cool in outside sheds any help and...
  8. D

    All About Rizzo

    :wave: :bunny: I'd would like to introduce you to my 4 year old Dutch rabbit and the things he gets up to. The following photos are what he got up to the other day while in his run indoors.
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    Rizzo's housing

    this is Rizzo'a hutch,he has had it for 3 years. this is his outdoor run. this shed is Rizzo's,in the suimmer it gets the sun all day,is there a way that i can make it cool for a rabbit to go in?
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    Rizzo day out

    We had Rizzo out in his run yesterday as the weather was good enough for him to be out and these hopefully if they show are the photos that we took of him.
  11. D

    Bonding first time

    :wave: I am toying with the idea of getting another rabbit for my 4 year old dutch called rizzo. Has he is my first rabbit I would like to research before doing anything. I have had rizzo since he was 12 weeks old and he has been neutered. He has a loving nature and loves his hugs and would love...
  12. D

    A hutch is not enough.

    hi im new here and spotted some lovely ideas on here and have read in a rabbit magazine that their hutch is not enough, my rabbit lives alone and only has access to a outdoor run,he can only go in it when i put him in it. when he is in his run he is scared of everything.have you any ideas?thank you
  13. D

    The life of Rizzo,Dutch Rabbit aged 4

    Hi i am new to here and i would like to tell you about my 4 year old dutch rabbit called Rizzo. Does any other rabbit owner foind that their rabbits love the vets?as mine does! When he was just over a year old he fractured his right toe and was in plaster for 13 days. For some reason he pulleds...
  14. D

    Rabbit banging

    i am new to the forum i would like some help. my four year old dutch, bangs his legs at night sometime can be up to 3 to 4 times through the night :no: . I have been told that he does this as a warning, but i am not sure about that as i take a torch up to bed with me and when he bangs i check...