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Search results

  1. S

    How would I rehome my rabbits?

    Hiya no, I don't need to do any bending or shovelling to take care of the dog, and if I ever need help walking him I have very helpful neighbours who have dogs that need walking anyway. I wouldn't be able to ask them to clean out a big rabbit hutch! I will call the blue cross prob in the next...
  2. S

    How would I rehome my rabbits?

    Thankyou but no, I don't think so.
  3. S

    How would I rehome my rabbits?

    I am very sad to have to do this but I might have to find new homes for them, my back problems are getting worse each week and I just can't get into the hutch with them any more! Plus my husbands job now means he has to work away a lot so he can't help like he used to.. so where would I start?
  4. S

    Dog/Bunny Help!

    I've tried to find one but they are none within walking distance and I do not drive. Will have to get some books. He's very well behaved and loves practicing his little tricks, I'm sure he will soon catch on not to bark at the rabbits.
  5. S

    Dog/Bunny Help!

    Thanks everyone, especially LionheadLuvr, its good to know someone else had same problem and it got sorted. I do think he will just get over it eventually, I've done as suggested and took him out on lead and brough back in when he barked, second time he sat and watched for a minute or two and...
  6. S

    Dog/Bunny Help!

    Hello, I have 3 rabbits who live in a big hutch/run in my small garden. 2 weeks ago I got a cocker spaniel and he likes to bark at them :-( At first they ran upstairs into the bedroom but now they seem to have realised he cant get them and sit muching hay in the downstairs bit which just makes...
  7. S

    House rabbits with temporary outside hutch

    I think they'd be fine outside while you go away. You can always have a cover for the hutch, even if it is a duvet and covered with tarpaulin, but i'm sure its pretty mild at night outside at the moment.
  8. S

    Home made runaround?

    Hello, I have an old rabbit run that I need to dismantle I was wondering if anyone has tried to make their own tunnel using the mesh? was thinking it could lead from hutch to run so that i can move the run around a bit more for the grass to recover?
  9. S

    who can help me with door opening design?

    I think I know what you mean... I will measure the door where my ramp is attached when I have got dressed for you.. But, how long have they been in it as it is? Have you tried starting them off in the upstairs bit and then when you feed them put their pellets halfway down the ramp somewhere, or...
  10. S

    Life of a rabbit water bottle...

    I use milton if the water bottles go a bit green..
  11. S

    What is this and is it safe..

    ... for bunnies to eat? IMG_20110410_152743 by sarahsarah666, on Flickr Thanks in advance
  12. S

    New home made run!

    Wow that's huge! Love it! Bet your bunny is extremely happy!
  13. S

    my hutch and run (home made)

    Wow, fab run and gorgeous bunny! ETA: PS, can I borrow your grandad? :wave:
  14. S

    Run size help please

    1.8 metres is just under 6 foot so yeah that run sounds a fairy good size
  15. S

    Help... nest building?

    ARGH She is doing it again this morning! :shock:
  16. S

    Living Salad?

    Hello, I bought one of these the other day but have only used half, is any of it safe for the buns? http://www.livingsalads.com/varieties.htm
  17. S

    Hay for Pets - no emails?

    :love: Hello, this is for those of you that have orderd from hay for pets.. I ordered yesterday around 2pm but the only email I have had was the paypal receipt, is this normal or has something gone wrong? Cheers
  18. S

    Cleaning up droppings from lawn?

    Thanks everyone! There's a little handheld vacuum in the lidl leaflet for next week, I am wondering if that would pick them up (on dry days) May try stomping for now lol.. OH thinks our old crappy flymo wont pick them up, not cut the grass this year yet so will take notice of where they are...
  19. S

    Just Had My Hay4Pets Order Delivered .....

    I've just ordered the biggest size of INGS hay.. excited!
  20. S

    Cleaning up droppings from lawn?

    Lol I know it's safe, it's just when they sit in it and it sticks to their trousers or something.. I'm only wanting to pick it up when their friends come around to play, wouldn't look good sending them home with droppings stuck to their clothes lol!