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Search results

  1. LilyBot

    rabbit fight :/

  2. LilyBot

    meet amber and sapphire

    saffy ammy
  3. LilyBot

    beanie babies for rabbits?

    ive seen alot of threads about bunnies with cuddly toys and a i found a box of teenie beanie babies. i want to give the bunnies one as they dont have many toys at the moment (they had a tube but they ate it :lol::roll: ) i would of course remove all ribbons and tags etc. would this be safe for...
  4. LilyBot

    is newspaper safe for buns to eat?

    normally in the bunnies hutch i put down sheets of newspaper then top it with sawdust (and hay in the bedroom). this is what i did with my last rabbits which worked fine but my current two just sit there and rip up the newspaper and eat it. :roll::lol::? ive stopped putting newspaper in because...
  5. LilyBot

    winter prep

    my hutch doesnt have a cover or anything, should i get/make something to protect my bunnies from the cold/wind/rain/snow/etc for when winter comes? and what other ways can i keep my buns warm? thanks :):)
  6. LilyBot

    just a few questions :)

    hi! i joined here today. my name is lily and i have 2 rabbits, a black one called sapphire (saffy) and a brownish one called amber (ammy) :D they are both less than one year old and very cute :) i have a few questions. first of all, should i get them spayed? (i htink thats how you spell it)...