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Search results

  1. LilyBot

    rabbit fight :/

  2. LilyBot

    Some Grimlock and Samus (Cuteness Warning)

    they are so cute!!! :love::love::love: such cool markings! especially the bun with half of his face grey the other half caramel :love::lol: what breed are they?
  3. LilyBot

    meet amber and sapphire

    thanks everyone :D:D:D
  4. LilyBot

    meet amber and sapphire

    saffy ammy
  5. LilyBot

    Lettuce ?

    I think that you aren't supposed to give any because it contains lots of water which can cause ( sorry to be blunt) diarhhioa (or however you spell it)
  6. LilyBot

    Little Pip

    AWWWW!!! :love::love::love:
  7. LilyBot

    Rabbit stuff storage

    Mine is spread out all over the place. :lol: Food is next to the door, treats are in a carrier bag hung on the door, hay and sawdust are in a Perspex box I the greenhouse, and disinfectant is on a shelf in the garden.
  8. LilyBot

    beanie babies for rabbits?

    EVen if the stuffing and beans were replaced?
  9. LilyBot

    beanie babies for rabbits?

    ive seen alot of threads about bunnies with cuddly toys and a i found a box of teenie beanie babies. i want to give the bunnies one as they dont have many toys at the moment (they had a tube but they ate it :lol::roll: ) i would of course remove all ribbons and tags etc. would this be safe for...
  10. LilyBot

    Am I mad....

    Your not mad! Especially if you are getting rescue rabbits! :) if I had the space I would buy loads of bunnies :) :lol:
  11. LilyBot

    is newspaper safe for buns to eat?

    Thanks! :) that's a really interesting thread. :)
  12. LilyBot

    Really frustrates me..

    :shock: now thats stupid of them
  13. LilyBot

    is newspaper safe for buns to eat?

    normally in the bunnies hutch i put down sheets of newspaper then top it with sawdust (and hay in the bedroom). this is what i did with my last rabbits which worked fine but my current two just sit there and rip up the newspaper and eat it. :roll::lol::? ive stopped putting newspaper in because...
  14. LilyBot

    Really frustrates me..

    some people dont realise how important it is to get it done! (like me before i joined this site). also it can be pretty epensive. but i do agree it is silly if you dont get it done.
  15. LilyBot

    A bit of photography from me!

    these are so amazing!!! :shock::D:love:
  16. LilyBot

    Can buns eat sweetcorn off the cob?

    im worried about what im feeding them now. are bunnies allowed grass? and what about brocolli? because all my have rabbits have prefered brocolli to carrots :lol:
  17. LilyBot

    Can buns eat sweetcorn off the cob?

    :lol: mine get them about once or twice a week sometimes :? id better cut down on them!
  18. LilyBot

    Picking your bunny up?

    im so glad im not the only one with this problem! how are you meant to pick them up? normally i try to pick my bunnies up by grabbing them round the middle and scooping them into my arms
  19. LilyBot

    People with Up-Eared bunnies!

    Batbunny is a brilliant name! :D