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Search results

  1. M

    After some advice R.E adopting a British giant house rabbit

    Someone who my mum knows has loads of pets, their latest addition was a baby british giant bunny. Fast forward a few weeks and they have found that they can't cope so they want to rehome the bunny. My mum was telling them about my bunny's and they have asked if I would consider offering her a...
  2. M

    Feeling pressured into taking on another 2 bunnies

    Hi everyone. We have 4 bunnies at the moment. They are bonded in pairs. We have 4 cats and 2 kids. A friend at my partners work got talking to my partner(Danny) and strangly they got onto pets. Danny told him about our bunnies and this man then said they have 4 but want 'rid' of 2 of them and...
  3. M

    Is this ok to line bedroom area with for winter?

    Hi everyone. Iv been looking to make our huctches nice and warm for the winter. We are ordering a custom built all over hutch cover but Im looking to insulate the bedroom area. I was thinking of attaching this to the sides of the bedroom area...
  4. M

    Need your help urgently!!

    Hi everyone. We have 4 bunnies. 3boys and a girl. The girl I got from a lady who let both male and female free range. I had her checked by the vet who said she was not pregnant. Iv now had all 3 boys neutered and Beau was due to be neutered the 1st week in sept when we get paid as her spay was...
  5. M

    Rabbit Grinding/clicking teeth?

    Hi everyone. I was sat stroking Beau last night, She was spread across my legs and was very relaxed. She started grinding/clicking her teeth when I was stroking her. Does this mean she was happy or was i doing something wrong? x
  6. M

    Unable to have a shed. Building hutch/playhouse ideas.

    Hi everyone. Well our shed idea didn't go very well. Our garden has a very odd shaped patio. We have a small section which has soil in which is where we were planning on putting the shed. We dug up the bush to find A giant tree stump was blocking it!! We couldn't have the shed on the flags as...
  7. M

    Adopting from a rescue

    Hi everyone. I just wondered what process is involved in adopting from a rescue? Im in Rochdale. Lancashire. Home checks aren't a problem and I have written consent from my landlord to allow pets etc (obviousley as we have cats and bunnies). xx
  8. M

    Building our shed tomorrow!

    Is it so sad that I'm excited about having the shed all set up? We were given one off a lovely man on Freecycle. It all needs building and re-staining as its radioactive blue right now. Needs some new hinges and locks and some mesh instead of the plastice windows. Got all the materails today...
  9. M

    Wish I was a millionaire....

    I just wish I could in a lump sum. Id have a cat and bunny sanctuary. I'd buy a big plot of land and be a bunny and cat lady. I have 4 bunnies now. (All have been neutered and spayed) Going to work on the bonding of 2 pairs at first. Just seen an advert online for someone near me who is...
  10. M

    Hay rack?

    I went to the pet shop today and its meadow hay that iv been using as bedding for my bunnies. Is a Hay rack a wise thing to get for them? They tend to wee in one corner so Iv put a litter tray in there to hopefully try and get them to go in there. But incase of accidents elsewhere I dont want...
  11. M

    Beau hates coming out of her hutch.

    As you know I got beau from a lady who had over 20 bunnies. She didn't breed them as such but doesn't neuter and lets them mix. We have a large 2 tier homemade hutch. They free range during the day so are only inside the hutch at night. (we are having our shed delivered next week). My other 3...
  12. M

    Hay question

    Iv been to the local pet shop and bought a large bag of what I was told was straw, which I was planning on using as bedding/flooring. It looks more like hay/grass. Its not the yellow colour that straw is. They have nibbled it but not alot. What would I be best off doing with it? Using it as...
  13. M

    Meet Beau :)

    She is absolutely stunning! She is so placid and friendly. She has had some apple and spinach and a play in the garden. She has sniffed my other bunnies through the run but has kept her distance. Here is my beautiful girlie. The lady who I got her off said she hopes to see how beautiful her...
  14. M

    Bunny makiing clucking noise?

    Hi everyone. I was visiting family yesterday and their neighbour has bunnies so I went over to have a nosy :lol: She showed me all of them. She showed me an absolutley gorgeous girl. All white with harlequin ears and black fur round her eyes so it looks like eyeliner! :love: at first sight...
  15. M

    Bella is a boy!!

    I can't believe it! When Edward went to be neutered the vet asked about bella, age etc. As I had got her as a baby I knew how old she was etc. The vet said she wasn't due to be spayed for 2months. She had an appointment today for him to check her over as I took Timmy aswell (confused over...
  16. M

    Washing Bella?

    Hi everyone. All my bunnies were playing in the sunshine yesterday. We have split the garden into sections so they are all seperate but have a good amount of space. Each section has a wooden box my other half made as a shelter for them. Well out of the blue it started raining yesterday and...
  17. M

    Confused over the sex of my rescue baby

    Hi everyone. Hope everyone and their bunnies are doing well :D As you know I rescued a baby dutch bunny around 2 weeks ago now. (changed his name to Timmy from Jakey) I was told he was a boy. Edward has been neutered now. Went well :) Bella is not ready yet. The vet has said he will check...
  18. M

    DIY hutch/run

    Hi everyone. As we now have 3 bunnies. I'd love to build a hutch/run big enough for all 3. Iv seen some brilliant ones on here! We currently have Bella & Edward in a large 2 tier hutch, Jakey is in a smaller hutch as he is a baby. They have the run of downstairs aswell as supervised runs round...
  19. M

    Will he be bullied?

    As you know Iv rescued a tiny dutch bunny. He is only a baby so im not sure if he is scared or being bullied. I have a 4month old male whois due to be neutered this week. I usually let my bunnies run round my front room for a few hours to try and encourage them to realise im not a bad guy...
  20. M

    I rescued him :)

    Hi everyone. As some of you know. I was in a situation about whether to rescue a baby dutch bunny after his parents and some litter mates were killed by a dog. Well after talking with you all on here we decided we have room in our lives and hearts for another bunny. He arrived tonight and...