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Search results

  1. A

    Spaying stuff :)

    Would that explain why my old rabbit wouldnt let me near her hutch? :oops: Neutering seems better, It seems that there are too many risks unneutered/spayed.
  2. A

    Hello :)

    Lol, My grandad wouldn't let me buy a hurtch from a shop even if I wanted too! He loves to build things :) I wanna show off my animals , But my nephew ruined my camera, So I have to wait til I get one for my birthday:rolleyes: I'll go have a look over there :D
  3. A

    Spaying stuff :)

    Hey :) I know that nearly everyone on here spays, Does this reduce the risk of cancer? Does it also make them less territorial? and if you had two un-spayed does, Would they probably end up fighting?
  4. A

    Hello :)

    :wave: Are there any rescues you could reccomend for the North east/ Hartlepool? Bun Runs, We call them "Mouse Trains" on mice forums. I don't support breeding, But hes an old man that normally keeps all the babies, They have lovely sheds :) Its going to be 6ft x 3ft x 3ft on the bottom, With...
  5. A

    Hello :)

    Hi :wave: I'm joining here so that I can make sure my future bunnies have the best life possible :D I'm not completely new to rabbits, In the past I had a satanic dutch female, my sisters boyfriend got me her when I was a little girl, and a super friendly white lop that my Dad got me:) At the...