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Search results

  1. B

    Cage chewing

    We live in a flat so outside isn't an option (we have bunny proofed the balcony so she can get some sunshine though). I reeeally want another bunny and i'm in the process of convincing the OH :) she always has fresh hay and eats about 3 handfuls a day. She does seem to prefer it fresh though...
  2. B

    Cage chewing

    Please can someone solve this for me as it's driving me mad! Our house bunny keeps chewing her cage bars like something possessed, especially at night when we go to bed. As our bedroom is next to the living room where she lives it's even worse! I originally thought this was because she didn't...
  3. B

    ADVICE PLEASE!!! Bunny sitter issues - how long should I leave her for??

    I read that before I ordered it thank you, it's the newer model so hopefully no drama! Can't be as bad as the 2 storey one, she HATED it!! Had a right old sulk!
  4. B

    ADVICE PLEASE!!! Bunny sitter issues - how long should I leave her for??

    Have just ordered the ferplast 140!! Looks mahoosive so she'll be in a mansion soon. Thanks for the heads up on the bunnery, looks awesome. Thanks for the advice guys, my OH has just told me he thinks I'll be a nightmare when we have kids! Damn right I will!!
  5. B

    ADVICE PLEASE!!! Bunny sitter issues - how long should I leave her for??

    We're in Leamington spa. We're going to brum and I'm thinking I may just drive back on Saturday morning to spend a couple hours with her. My friend who usually comes to feed her n let her out is busy :( We did get her a bigger cage but it was two storey and she hated it. We're still trying to...
  6. B

    ADVICE PLEASE!!! Bunny sitter issues - how long should I leave her for??

    I'm going away overnight tomorrow. We'll be leaving the bun at about 4pm and returning the following evening, potentially about midnight so that's *quick count on fingers* 32 hours all by herself! She is an indoor bunny and used to having the run of the flat (goes in her cage while we're at work...
  7. B

    Stroppy bun :(

    Ooh, don't know what happened to my typing there!
  8. B

    Stroppy bun :(

    Thanks for the advice, we're first time bunny owners so I get a bit anxious! :) She's definitely getting more confident, we've bunny proofed our balcony do she can flop about in the sunshine now which is getting us lots of binkies! The op stressed me out as much as her I think, we thought she...
  9. B

    Stroppy bun :(

    It was at least 2 months ago. It's really strange, some days she's dead confident (apart from the picking up thing) but others she really skittish. :?
  10. B

    Stroppy bun :(

    Hi all, need help with my grumpy rabbit! We've had her from 12 weeks and she'd got to the point of being picked up quite happily. Well, since she's been spayed, she hates it and sulks for a whole day if I try to pick her up. After her op, we didn't pick her up for ages because we were worried...