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Search results

  1. C

    orchard grass anywhere sell it cheap?

    I've discovered that my bunnies love orchard grass after trying out several different hays/grasses. I bought them from the hay experts (Oxbow) but wondered if there was anywhere cheaper. I've tried a google search and all I keep coming up with is Oxbow. Does no one else supply it?
  2. C

    How much dried food?

    I've now bought ss after my posting about sticky bottoms and pellets and I'm going to gradually swop bunnies over to it. I now realise I must be over feeding as well, so how much should I be giving 2 rabbits, average sized per day because I don't want to give them as much as it says on the packet.
  3. C

    Sticky bottom which pellets? Or even none at all.

    We've gone all summer with no problems and now one of my bunnies is dirty, I'm guessing that although they're still on grass they're not grazing so much. I've always fed excel but I'm looking for a higher fibre content, I'm thinking either ss or Oxbow bunny T. Does anyone have an opinion on...
  4. C

    Choosing a new bunny

    This is so hard With so many rescue centres and so many rabbits, I'm finding it hard to choose who to approach. I've got 2 favourites at the moment (not naming them!) Wish I could home lots but I only need 1! Just wanted to share!
  5. C

    which rescues help with bonding

    Thinking ahead a little. Once wer'e ready we'll be looking for a friend for Mable. I thought this would be easy enough seeing as though until this weekend she was with her brother. I'll be definately getting her new boyfriend from rescue (I've had rescue guinea's and it worked really well)...
  6. C

    when to introduce a new friend

    Sadly my little boy bunny died Friday night . I am devastated but I'm more concerned for his sister who is now left alone, they had never been apart (now 3 1/2 years old) She is obviously depressed and I will need to find her a friend. Should I leave it a while for her to adjust or is it best...