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Search results

  1. R

    I've tried it again!

    cute! :love:
  2. R

    sad little Stuart

    oh poor rabbit :( he looks cute with or without ears! if i would not live in belgium i would take him home :love:
  3. R

    How cute was Blue

    :shock::love: beautiful!!
  4. R

    Sir Stuart the earless

    cute ^^ :love:
  5. R

    Beryl Bunny

    :p lovely bunny :love:
  6. R

    When speedy met Toby!! and my fav pic of Gypsi so far!

    beautiful picture in the snow and gorgeous rabbits :love:
  7. R

    Delphi & George - doing what bunnies do best!

    nice rabbits ^^ and good close up pictures :p
  8. R

    Petal's big bunny butt

    :love: gorgeous rabbit ^^
  9. R

    sisters :)

    well i call him Big because he grow a lot faster xD but now Shorty is bigger ^^
  10. R

    sisters :)

    Hello my name is Shorty Here you can see me when I was young and how ive changed :) 30 july 2007 first time sitting in the garden :) 26 april 2008 nom nom i like grass 15 january 2010 its still winter and to cold for me outside...
  11. R

    My new rabbit! Meet Jasper!

    beautiful rabbit!! :):love: Jasper reminds me on my first rabbit.. he was exactly the same
  12. R

    New bunny house

    Bailey is cute in his house ^^
  13. R

    I'm new, heres my Mini lops

    to cute for words :love: they are lovely
  14. R

    esme: i think i've over-binkied mum

    :love: gorgeous :love:
  15. R

    Just the Medicine!! Part 2

    sweet :love:
  16. R

    my cute rabbits :)

    found another picture from last year but need to take more recent pictures ^^
  17. R

    my cute rabbits :)

    hehe np at all ^^ tell me how you did its so i can use it in the futur for more pictures :)
  18. R

    my cute rabbits :)

    ty :) Im like 30 min. member from this forum and i already love it!! I took these pictures 3 years ago so my rabbits are grown up a little now :p I will upload new pictures soon ^^
  19. R

    My gorgeous babies!

    oooh the grey bunny is gorgeous! :love:
  20. R

    my cute rabbits :)

    Hehe good question ^^ I never call them with a real name... just saying small one and big one xD They are sisters :)