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Search results

  1. aimee_es

    What treats to give, and when?

    Afternoon all, I was just wondering what treats to introduce to Poppy and Minnie, and when to start? The vet says today that they probably aren't 8/9 weeks old like we were told, closer to 7 (which makes me wonder how old they were when they were taken from their mom! :cry:)! I had been...
  2. aimee_es

    Poppy and Minnie's check up

    Hi all,:wave: Well the girls are settling in, they love their time running around the house, and i caught them yesterday cuddling and grooming each other:love:, it was soooo cute!! I took them to the vet today, just to check that everything was ok, and ask about Poppy's grinding, but she...
  3. aimee_es

    Grinding/Squeaking noise?

    Morning all, Well Poppy is being quite vocal, she seems happy enough:love:, is eating and drinking well, but is making a rather odd noise. Like she's grinding her teeth, but only faintly. She only does it when she's walking around, either in her cage, or on the floor, though its not all the...
  4. aimee_es

    Pics of my 2 beauties!

    They are identical, at the moment we're struggling to tell which is which! So there they are!! I'm so in love already!:love::love::love::love::love:
  5. aimee_es

    First day, runny poo?

    Hi all,:wave: Well I was having an introductory cuddle with Poppy this afternoon, and as i picked her up i noticed she had runny poo by her bottom, and on her leg. I cleaned her up, whilst hubby held her (she was so calm, and just let me do it!:love:) i just used a clean cloth with warm...
  6. aimee_es

    Newbies list of questions!

    My buns are 9 weeks old, just picked them up today, and they are my first rabbits, so although i have done a lot of research before getting them, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, so i thought best to ask you guys. 1/ Which food would you reccommend? They were being fed on...
  7. aimee_es

    A teddy for bun?

    Hi all,:wave: I just read on another website that its a good idea to put a small teddy in with a lone bunny, something for him to cuddle up with. Is this true? I'm getting my first bun this weekend, and want to do everything i can to make him happy! It sounds adorable that he should have his...
  8. aimee_es

    Teddy for Bun?

    Hi all,:wave: I just read on another website that its a good idea to put a small teddy in with a lone bunny, something for him to cuddle up with. Is this true? I'm getting my first bun this weekend, and want to do everything i can to make him happy! It sounds adorable that he should have his...
  9. aimee_es

    Newbie thinking of getting a bunny?

    Hello all, :wave: Hope you dont mind, but i thought i would ask for some advice. I have been thinking for a long time now about getting a rabbit! My husband has agreed, so now i'm getting excited!:love: But... i want to know if i'm doing the right thing. I never fancied leaving him outside...