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Search results

  1. StevieBunny

    Rabbit Introductions - your help please

    Hi Folks, Its has been a while since i was on as I have been waiting for my adorable french lop to be old enough to neutered. She had the procedure a month ago and it went very well apart from it costing me a small fortune. I am now going to try again at introducing her to my other bunny, a...
  2. StevieBunny

    Aggresive Male during introductions

    Hi, I have my lionhead Stevie (neutered) for three years and my partner decided we should get another. I now have a lovely french lop doe also. We have tried introducing them and Stevie is really agressive. The minutes he gets near her he is straight in with paws boxing and scratching. The...
  3. StevieBunny

    Fighting during First Introduction

    Hi, I have a 3 year old neutered (large) lionhead buck and a three month old french lop doe (intact). I am trying to introduce the pair. Over the last three weeks we have placed the cages next to each other and switched over bedding. The lionheads initial reaction to the doe was fear, he ran...
  4. StevieBunny

    Fighting in first introduction

    Hi, I have a 3 year old neutered (large) lionhead buck and a three month old french lop doe (intact). I am trying to introduce the pair. Over the last three weeks we have placed the cages next to each other and switched over bedding. The lionheads initial reaction to the doe was fear, he ran...