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Search results

  1. charliemanvill

    signature photos!

    HELP!! Im a newbie and wondered how i put a signature at the bottom of threads rather than just avatars, have 2 bunnies but my sig is only of one xx
  2. charliemanvill

    Neutered buns

    Hi, I bought a new buns off someone last week and the ad said he has been neutered. My stepgran used to keep rabbits and checked him over and said he definitely had nothing there but he wont stop humping my other buns! Im so so scared he will get her pregnant! Any advise?
  3. charliemanvill

    Buns And Blu

    ok well the deed is done, Buns and Blu have been bonded! :D Bought blu home on saturday and let him run around the kitchen with Buns. She was playing hard to get of course but in the end she gave in and let him mount her! So he went in his hutch yesterday next to her run so she could sniff him...
  4. charliemanvill

    Acclimatising the new buns

    Hi, I am collecting a new buns on saturday morning :D but he is a house bunny and needs to be acclimatised as I am going on holiday in 3 weeks time and he is going to stay with my dad. How do I go about doing this in such a short space of time and without causing him any stress whilst he is...
  5. charliemanvill


    Hi, my buns is very fussy and doesnt like any veg apart from dandelions and curly kale!!! :evil: So I went to the pet shop and bought her a small bag of peanuts and raisins which were in the bunny section. She goes completely mental for them and literally is at the point where she sniffs your...