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Search results

  1. elaine35uk


    Not a health question just needed to get it off my chest. I check the forum regularly but haven't posted for a long time :oops: I have just been told Tilly, who isn't quite 4 yet has a large thymoma and surgery isn't an option, her. The vet has been fantastic with Tilly and has consulted with a...
  2. elaine35uk

    Sweetcorn (Cob)

    Can I ask what people's advice is about rabbits having this is ...my two have tried it and loved it but I seem to be picking up differing theories and I don't want to feed them as a treat from time to time if it's bad for them :?
  3. elaine35uk

    Dew Claw Injury

    Feel like a bad bunny owner now :(. Can anyone advise me? Tilly and Smudge are having Panacur for worming and they really don't like being handled and get really stressed, we try to get them up and dosed as quickly as possible. We've just done todays dose and noticed blood on Tilly's paw when we...
  4. elaine35uk

    Advice Needed!

    So we get a pleasant day , the new run is in the garden :D.....how do I get them out to it without stressing them? Thought tempting them with treats into the carrier would do it...not too bad getting them outside. They then spent four hours in the covered part...popped their heads out for 5...
  5. elaine35uk

    Mog the Cat

    Hope you can forgive me for adding my old tabby bigpuss Mog who left us yesterday :cry:. He was 11 suffering renal failure and I was told on Saturday that his time had come. We had him at home for the weekend and fed him all the stuff he loved but hadn't been allowed for months, we gave him...
  6. elaine35uk

    Advice on quiet buns

    I'm a little concerned about Tilly & Smudge as they seem pretty quiet and don't potter/run around much. They are indoor bunnies but aren't quite free range as we have dogs and cats too. We rescued them a couple of months ago and they have settled pretty quickly, not bothered by the cats and they...
  7. elaine35uk

    Hi from Swinton

    I've been viewing the forum for about 4 months and wish I'd found you guys a lot sooner as I lost my beautiful Parsley in November but found shedloads of stuff on here that may have helped us save her if I'd found it sooner! She was a big girl thoroughly spoilt but had massive problems with her...