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Search results

  1. J

    pregnancy help

    I have rescently taken in 4 giant rabbits my rabbit have mostly free run of the house and garden! The male has free run twice a day and is waiting to be desexed! But due to the death of 2 of the rabbits and awaiting results from tests the vet doesn't want him to have surgery yet! Sadly he was...
  2. J

    poop in fur

    I took in a very very fluffy lion head over a year ago, shes a lovely little girl never got knotted (shes brushed often), she has rabbit pellets, hay and veg. She has always been a very clean rabbit but things have changed. Her poop sticks to her rear end like super glue. She has very strong...
  3. J

    Carrots escaped and came back!

    Carrots is now an escape artist!! little toad jumps out of her hotch and legs it! she goes next door and then comes back to her hutch! shes still biting to. Buster bunny was neutered today carrot and him seem to love each other through the mesh so I am going to try to put them in together in 6...
  4. J

    Carrots getting more aggresive

    I am at a loss of what to do with carrots the 18 month old doe I adopted, she seems to be getting more aggressive. Whenever I try to stoke her or feed her she bites. When I pick her up she poos and wees on me and her urine is very smelly! how can I try to stop her biting? any idea? Jo
  5. J

    New member new bunnies

    I have 2 female netherland dwarfs and have just taken in a dwarf lop and a giant lop. Buster is the Giant one and I am concerned that he won't eat any veg and he eats very few pellets in fact he eats less than all the others. He is very affectionate and loves human contact! He has a 3 metre by 3...