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Recent content by Yukarangz

  1. Y

    Question: Is there enough information available for new/prospective rabbit owners?

    Thanks for all the information, guys. I'm currently following up some of your advice and it will REALLY help to bulk out my project... I chose rabbits because it seems like they get a raw deal when compared with cats and dogs, in this country at least. Thanks again! Good luck with the buns...
  2. Y

    Question: Is there enough information available for new/prospective rabbit owners?

    Haha! Well, you guys seem to know your stuff... and it all helps, hey. :D
  3. Y

    Question: Is there enough information available for new/prospective rabbit owners?

    Thanks, Sky-O,Tamsin, Amy and Lunar! This seems like a very friendly and open community. :) I would like to use some of your comments in the work possibly, or at least mention you in the acknowledgements. Would you prefer to remain anonymous ('The kind users of the Rabbits United Forum') or be...
  4. Y

    Question: Is there enough information available for new/prospective rabbit owners?

    This was my guess too, and from the research I've done so far, it seems to be holding true. Thanks!
  5. Y

    Question: Is there enough information available for new/prospective rabbit owners?

    Okay, I'll admit, I'm here looking for an insight into the rabbit keeping community. I'm studying for a FdSc in Animal Behaviour, and one project I have to do is: 'Is there enough information available for new pet owners?". My group are presenting on rabbits, and we need as many facts and...