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Recent content by sgraft92

  1. sgraft92

    New rabbit

    Thanks for your help everyone. I have moved him out of the room and have noticed violet has calmed down already. Will get him castrated when he's old enough then look to move him in the room and begin the bonding process in a neutral space. Thanks again:)
  2. sgraft92

    New rabbit

    Thank you I will look to do that :) then when I want to start bonding once he's been castrated I'll move him back into the room with Violet. <3
  3. sgraft92

    New rabbit

    Yeah I did think that, do you think I should keep them in the same room till the boy has been castrated then leave it a month or so then try to bond? Or shall I move him out of the room till he has been castrated? :) thanks for your reply.
  4. sgraft92

    New rabbit

    Hi guys I currently have a mini lop who is almost 8 months old - she was neutered about 1 and a half-2 months ago. About a week ago I got another mini lion lop male who is around 9 weeks - he is in the same room but a separate cage obviously. I am planning to get him castrated when he is about...