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Recent content by robeyw

  1. R

    Pooping outside the toilet area

    When I had a free range rabbit, she was very good at using her litter box but when I got a second one (housed separately but litter areas adjacent), she started putting substantial pellets and occasional urine on the floor next to the litter box, so it must have to do with having a second...
  2. R

    weight loss without stress

    She is Dutch. The feed numbers from rabbitwelfare are entirely out of reason. This spring when fresh grass was first available, my rabbit was so excited that she did not eat any substantial hay and I weighed the grass and measured the moisture content to figure out the vitamin D supplement. She...
  3. R

    weight loss without stress

    She only has me as companion. From rabbitwelfare, she has never eaten anywhere near enough hay & grass but half the pellet allotment yet she gains weight. I think there is a problem with their numbers and will do a energy calculation when I get a chance. From what you say, the only solution is...
  4. R

    weight loss without stress

    The usual suggestions for weight loss do not take into account the rabbit's feelings about it. In my experience the rabbit is unhappy, spends a lot of time hunting for food, chewing on non food, asking for food and not being affectionate. The question becomes how to make the rabbit happy...
  5. R

    Should we limit dandelion leaves?

    I think the argument that dandelion leaf should be limited due to it's high calcium content is bogus. Pet Rabbit Feeding and Nutrition by Lowe recommends .6% calcium in feed (dry weight) for a non pregnant non lactating pet rabbit. Dandelion has 1.3% while timothy and Orchard grass have .25% so...
  6. R

    Selfheating mat meets approval!!

    Mine prefer to lay on the cold tile floor or paper in some remote location in summer, on thin carpet in winter (down to 45F) with no interest in a warm box or heat lamp turned down very low. They dig up any blanket to sit on what was there before in wide open space.
  7. R


    indoor digging box What is a good fill for an indoor digging or sleeping box? I tried straw, thinking that she might make a place to sleep. She searched it for food, made a rounded bottom that might be used for sleeping but is not. Sometimes she hops in then back out. Wood pellets have been...
  8. R

    New bunny - litter training tips please!

    My rabbits have behaved flawlessly with the following: The eating and elimination area is a 18" X 36" cage starting with an absorbent layer of compressed sawdust extrusion bedding with a layer of straw over it. Food and water is in holders above this. There is a external ramp down to a carpeted...