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Recent content by Meatloafs_mom

  1. Meatloafs_mom

    My rabbit only eats hay

    Thank you everyone! The rabbit I had a long time ago loved veggies. I was confused! Lol I have him a big handgrab of hay and I'm sure he's in heaven. He took a bite of celery yesterday but that's all he ventured outside his comfort zone.
  2. Meatloafs_mom

    My rabbit only eats hay

    Just got Meatloaf on Monday, he had an apple slice and hasn't had any pellets or greens, just hay. How can I get him to eat the greens and other veggies I have for him? Should I take away the hay until he eats the veggies and pellets? He's playing and acting fine, so I know he's not sick.