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Recent content by lovelybunnies

  1. L

    Happy tuesday..

    Hi :) xx
  2. L

    For Mr Bean Fans :-)

    Aww what a cutie! xxx
  3. L

    Can anyone help? Breeds xx

    Thanks... I couldn't leave them in the state they were in... and what made me take as many as I did, is she said the only fresh veg they get is potato peelings... as in her words "I don't eat veg, so why should I buy it for the animals" I was in shock... when I said to her what my guinea pigs...
  4. L

    Can anyone help? Breeds xx

    I did report... I had got 7 of her 12 rabbits from her, as I couldn't take them all, she has had them all taken away from her, and I don't think she is allowed to breed anymore.. People like her shouldn't be allowed pets. :( xx
  5. L

    Can anyone help? Breeds xx

    It was his hutch!!! Until I rescued him from her...I didn't think she treated them nicely at all, she picked him up by his ears without support anywhere else to get him back in his cage!!! :evil::evil: Not very Fair at all.. he has a lovely hutch now though xx
  6. L

    Can anyone help? Breeds xx

    Here is a pic of their dad, didn't get a proper look or pic of their mum though xx
  7. L

    Can anyone help? Breeds xx

    Hi, I was told by the breeder that my girls were Californian, but someone on here have said they are the wrong colour... she had also told me I had rex's when I haven't lol been totally duped about the breeds! Doesn't bother me of course, but would be nice to be able to say what they are lol...
  8. L

    Hi to all :)

    Thank you for all the welcomes :) xx
  9. L

    Tulip, the Californian Giant :)

    Oh no! what do you think they are? They are some sort of giant breed? I can't believe the breeder didn't tell me what they were :roll:
  10. L

    4 lovely piggies xxxx

    Thank you... there will be two new pics added shortly.. I had a bit of an oops and bought two more, couldn't have left them in the pet shop all lonely, and no hay ;) xx
  11. L

    4 lovely piggies xxxx

    Thanks I think so hehe xx
  12. L

    4 lovely piggies xxxx

    Here are a few pics of my piggies... Maud (2.5yrs) Norah (2.5yrs) Gertie (15m) Eve (16m.. Maud's Daughter)
  13. L

    My 2 Rex's Daisy and Snowdrop :)

    It is pretty simple, Daisy is bigger than snowdrop, although they have exactly the same markings everywhere, and gorgeous off white bellies :) xx Oh and Daisy is easier to catch lol
  14. L

    How many?

    I have 4 females living together in a very large hutch, and they get on brilliantly. They love each others company xx
  15. L

    Mae at medicene time

    So cute :)