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Recent content by jlbunny

  1. J

    The Ideal Home Exhibition in London are proposing to have this rabbit on display

    Thanks Babsie. I had a hard time posting as I'd forgotten how. Once I figured it out, I didn't notice it was going on this page :( Unfortunately, I think it is now too late to influence their decision. I truly hope they read all the "don't do it" comments.
  2. J

    The Ideal Home Exhibition in London are proposing to have this rabbit on display

    The Ideal Home Exhibition in London are proposing to have a live rabbit on display in one of their homes asking people to 'Name the Easter Bunny'. The exhibition is a totally inappropriate place for a rabbit to live for 2 weeks, its hot, loud and full of people. Can you please leave a message...
  3. J

    Fox proof cages and runs

    I'm so sorry Celia! I found one link that addresses some issues: http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk/care/rabbit_foxes.asp I read this comment you can consider: OK this is grooooossss..but it works..put dog turds round the garden area. Foxes 'see' smells and the image of a dog would deter it from...
  4. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    Thank you Barn Yard Bunnies. We need a lot of signatures for the petition to be taken seriously so in addition to signing the petition, we really need people to share as far and wide as each one can.
  5. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    Thank you Willow, Chewy and Obi's mum. I wish there was more that we could do for the pets. And it seems to me that if they could find a target virus for wild rabbits that is inhumane, they could find a humane solution to the problem.
  6. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    Thank you Elphie, Galinda and Athena's mom!
  7. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    Thank you Mischief and Tinker's Mum!
  8. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    Thanks Petra & Cleo! An Australian friend of mine on Facebook has formed a closed group to work on getting the vaccine legalized. Someone said that if it does go through, maybe Queensland will then permit pet rabbits. Rabbits are such great companions so I hope that happens.
  9. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    Thank you Jane! Gosh it feels weird to type something to "mysellf" :)
  10. J

    Australian Pet Rabbits in danger with current outbreak of myxo virus

    I don't know if you can help spread the word, but I'm hoping you can. It hurts my heart to know that as things stand now, if an Australian bunny parent has an affected bunny, all they can do is help their bunny to cross the Rainbow Bridge before it can suffer the horribly painful death the...