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Recent content by HelenSB

  1. HelenSB

    Astro Turf.

    I have astro turf in my garden. At the moment Mr Higgins's run has lino under it. Once the summer is here I'm very tempted to try him on the astro turf. Obviously I will supervise him to make sure he doesn't chew it. Good to know that a rescue uses it. I think that instinct will stop him trying...
  2. HelenSB

    Hello :)

    Timothy is major cute!
  3. HelenSB

    I'm 2 today!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0qvjpeo68jfm6jb/20151018_212410.jpg?dl=0 I think I can be naughty now I'm 2. After all they do call it the terrible two's!
  4. HelenSB


    Lovely bunnies. Welcome. Beautiful dog as well.
  5. HelenSB

    My first tattoo!! :)

    Me too. I only wanted one now I have 11....
  6. HelenSB

    Run recommendations - ukrabbithutches?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckgsbbmk8yienip/20150421_123111.jpg?dl=0 This is Mr Higgins enjoying the run. Since this photo I have joined it to his hutch.
  7. HelenSB

    Run recommendations - ukrabbithutches?

    I have a 8ft x 4ft x 3ft run from them. It's brilliant quality. The man even came and assembled it for me but I was local so not sure how far away you are from them. I wouldn't hesitate to order from them again.
  8. HelenSB

    Bathroom refit noise

    Funnily enough I had my bathroom re-fitted just last week. I left Mr Higgins in his puppy pen in his own room. He normally has free range during the day so I was worried how he'd be being 'locked up' for a few days. I closes the door to soften the noise and stop any dust affecting him. I also...
  9. HelenSB

    Belle the Bunny

    She's beautiful. Don't feel bad. She's got a lovely home and is being well looked after. I have Mr Higgins and at the moment is in pretty much the same situation as you. He's a lone bunny bit I'd like to get him a wife at some point but unfortunately at the moment it's not possible. He also...
  10. HelenSB

    Hello .. I am a newbee

    He's 20 months old.
  11. HelenSB

    Hello .. I am a newbee

    Beautiful. He could be Mr Higgins's twin. They look identical.
  12. HelenSB

    Are any of your bunnies on Facebook?

    Aw Mr Higgins found Angel and Bugs... He's liked them. Mr Higgins can be found under "Henry Higgins" if anyone would like to follow him.
  13. HelenSB

    Are any of your bunnies on Facebook?

    Absolutely. All posts will be posted from Mr Higgins himself. (With a little help from his human)...lol
  14. HelenSB

    Are any of your bunnies on Facebook?

    I'm probably ever so slightly mad but do any of you have your lovely bunnies on Facebook. I'm crazy enough to have put Mr Higgins on so wondered if anyone else is as crazy as me.
  15. HelenSB

    Advice on hutch layout

    I'm told that sawdust isn't good for bunnies as it can lead to resperitory problems. I think most people line their hutches with newspapers and them some straw and hay on top. I stopped using sawdust when advised but you might want to seek some advice from the experts on here. You could always...