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Recent content by floozy

  1. F

    Veg - how much?

    If your bunny didn't want to eat it then he wouldn't, trust me mine are savages but when those babies are full they won't eat anything other then thier hutches :)
  2. F

    flopping out

    Mine never seem to flop in their hutches either. I get the feeling thou that they can hear me walk into their garden and think they'll get more food from me!!
  3. F

    scary rabbit

    My girls were both viscious when i got them, they hadn't been handled for ages and they both lunged at me when i went to get their bowls or them out. I just wore a big jumper and made sure it covered my hands and spoke to them as i either got their bowls or them. I would say though, if they...
  4. F

    Swapping Foods

    since we rescued the girls there poos are defo healthier, round and firm lol. If i had taken a photo of what my living room looked last night then you might have an idea it was poo city!!
  5. F

    Swapping Foods

    I honestly don't know what it is with the pellets but they are the only thing the girls eat, they found JD's molassed mixed and didn't even touch it which is unusual for them as they eat everything in sight! Also, you may notice, poo's get a lot bigger with pellets the girls and bailey poo...
  6. F

    Your feeding habits

    My girls and bailey have veg in the morning and roughly two handfuls at night of pellets they constantly have hay avaliable to them and my mum feeds them treats everyday when im at work. JD cos she's an OAP gets fed what she prefers which is molassed mix, its the only thing she'll eat along with...
  7. F

    Swapping Foods

    i weened my two girls off russell rabbit food onto super excel over about a week. I put the mixed food in with the pellets and gradually they stopped eating the mixed and picked out the pellets, they are savages so i knew which one they prefered!!
  8. F

    Wood to chew on?

    i give my two buns willow sticks, you can get them from most pet stores and they demolish them
  9. F

    Please help, i am going insane and so are my rabbits it seems...

    My buns both try and eat their hutches but they have a run in the garden which is big and they spend all day in there, so when they get back in the hutch they eat and sleep! I put a kitchen roll tube filled with hay and a few treats or fresh veg in the middle so they have to pull the hay out...
  10. F

    Im new and a bunny rescuer!!

    I have but iver just brought a new pc and cant figure out how to work the reader as soon as i do i shall post them on here, they are all black bailey and JD are lion haired and millie and marney are short haired. I ahve to stop reading the foster posts cos i want them all!!
  11. F

    Things in meadow hay? UD apparently sorrell

    I found a dead frog in a bag of meadow hay from my local pet store. I reported it to them and they have since told their suppliers but obviously there isn't a lot that can be done. I make sure i check it now and any long seeded stems i put in the recycling as my bunnies will eat anything!!
  12. F

    Im new and a bunny rescuer!!

    Hi, i've been visiting this site for a while now and reading all the different threads and thought it was about time i made myself an active member! I have 4 gorgeous rabbits 1. J'D who's nearly 6 she's been with us since she was a baby she came as a pair from a pet shop, unfortunatley her...