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Recent content by Emerlee

  1. E

    Rabbit & Guinea Pig mystery death

    not sure if i could stand the thought of having a PM done of them, gives me the heebie jeebies. thanks xxxx
  2. E

    Rabbit & Guinea Pig mystery death

    I have 2 female guinea pigs who live together, and 3 male rabbits that are all brothers that live together. I got home on Wednesday, and my mum said " Don't go outside. " So I looked at her and asked why, and she said " One of the little bunnies has died. " He was absolutely fine the day...
  3. E

    Projekt Revolution

    :O i wanted to go to that gig! i'm going to see the hoosiers in october though so i wasnt allowed. wow your so lucky, linkin park are amazing!
  4. E


    awww they're all so cute. i'm getting 2 or 3 off my friend.
  5. E

    miffy :)

    when i took the photo her ears werent in the picture, it is completly unedited all i have done is resized it and put a border on it and thanks people :)
  6. E

    miffy :)

    when i'm older i want to be a photographerrr, i'm only 13 at the moment and i wanna know what you guys think of this photo of my miffy :) i quite like it, in terms of photography if you know what i mean :D
  7. E

    Roxy :)

    Ahahaha i know! I dont know why i posted that here, i just think its funny xDD
  8. E

    i feel evil

    Yeah Roxy is another rabbit. And no, i dont have a neutered male, i could see if theres any local rescues around and see if they do, i'm sure she'd love a hubby :) Thanks <3
  9. E

    i feel evil

    thanks you guys :) well miffy isnt spayed because we dont have enough money, its nearlly £80 at the vets in town. i tried to bond her with roxy. they took a lot of interest in each other when miffy played out because she'd go to roxy's hutch and she sniff her through the wire but they were...
  10. E

    Roxy :)

    Ahaha she thinks its funny to hide behind her hutch where i cant get her and peep around the corner at me xDD
  11. E

    i feel evil

    Yes Miffy is a bun, but i've tried bonding her with my other buns and she just hates them. So she gets more human attention than the others because shes lonely.
  12. E

    Pics Of Some Of My Gang!!!

    So cute!!!:love:
  13. E

    i feel evil

    miffy and the 2 guinea pigs have been living together for a longlong time (since we got them off my mums friend ) and they were the best of friends, they snuggled next to each other and groomed each other etc etc, but today i split them up because i heard about the different diets. i feel really...
  14. E

    Roxy :)

    Shes an english spot x lion head :D
  15. E

    Roxy :)

    roxy sitting on her litter tray xD snuggled on the sofa looking around :)