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Recent content by DUTCH4

  1. D

    help with putting hutch to run

    :wave: Sorry I have not been on for a while, lots have been going on as some of you I lost my cat zoe who was 21 years old and that was hard for all of us especially Rizzo who loved her lots too. It took time and lots of looking but at last in April last year we got a new kitten called Hope...
  2. D

    help with putting hutch to run

    :wave: Sorry I have not been on for a while, lots have been going on as some of you I lost my cat zoe who was 21 years old and that was hard for all of us especially Rizzo who loved her lots too. It took time and lots of looking but at last in April last year we got a new kitten called Hope...
  3. D

    have you bathed your rabbit before

    :wave: rizzo is moulting big style and I was wondering if it may help by bathing him. Has anyone bathed their rabbits before? Do you use warm or hot water? And how do you get the rabbit use to the water? Is it ok to bath a rabbit or will it take out any of his natural oils in his fur if i do...
  4. D

    need help cant find it.

    :wave: I don't know about the list you are looking for but i hope this helps you and your rabbits I have a list that I was given at a rabbit day vegetables your rabbits can have Asparagus, Baby sweetcorn, Beetroot(not the leafy tops), Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots and tops...
  5. D

    Should i move my rizzo

    :wave: As some of you know rizzo had a little fright last monday and thanks again for all your help. I was thinking before he got sick of moving him to a shed with access to a run on his terms. But now i am not sure and I am worried that he may get frighted again. What should i do?:(
  6. D

    All About Rizzo

    my sister has been ill with her arthritis and she has had Rizzo in and has read him stories to keep him enterain,he loves a good story.
  7. D

    very worried please help!

    this is what he has been doing today,my sister is still unwell and had him indoors from lunchtime.
  8. D

    very worried please help!

    sorry it is late in the day. I bought him in for the night and slept with him it was a long and worrying night. But he seem a lot happier being inside. through the night he had one of his treat and hay. Was up at 5am and tried him with his breakfast he had some then had some hay after that he...
  9. D

    very worried please help!

    Just checked on him still laying down stairs at the front of his hutch, tried him with one of his biscuits but don't want to know. Also warmed up a blanket on the heater indoors and put it around him and have put out a blanket on the front of his hutch will check on him before i go to bed. i...
  10. D

    very worried please help!

    Been eating ok all day until tonight was out in his run this morning playing happily. Also when i bought him in to night he pooed three times
  11. D

    very worried please help!

    just went to cover rizzo up for the night and to give him his night hay. and he usely eats it before i can get it in his bowl. But he just layed down then had a drink and layed down again. He felt cold to the touch, i brought him inside and he seemed to be more active and himself. Put him back...
  12. D

    saw this and froze!!

    didn't know rabbits did that, i have never hear rizzo snooze. It is probably a silly question but do rabbits shut their eyes when they sleep.
  13. D

    London pet show

    dates 7th and 8th of may weekend
  14. D

    London pet show

    :wave: morning all has anyone been to the london pet show before? as i am thinking of going but having a little trouble in finding transport coming from hertfordshire and not keen on the undergrounds. Is the show good?