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Recent content by charlies mum

  1. C

    Maggie.........and Barbara!!

    bless :love:
  2. C

    The gorgeous Hope

    Shes a little tinker tho. bit of a digger............ one day she'll escape!!!!! I'll get some new pics later and post them, They were in the run last night and i caught romeo balancing on top like an acrobat just about to make his big escape but luckily as i came out of the shed and startled...
  3. C

    The gorgeous Hope

    Hope with Romeo just after I got her this time last year. Her hiding from me before her girlie op. Lazing in the sun a couple of months ago couldn't resist adding one of her fella, Romeo Hope these worked out ok, i haven't used photo buckt for ages. X [/img]
  4. C

    Happy Gotcha day to my 2 very special boys...

    I pop in from time to time to check up on you all, haven't posted in a longwhile though. I have an assignment to write so this is the perfect distraction. Shes fine, looke the double of Teddy, I'd mix them up if they were together for sure. I'll post a few piccies in a bit. XXX
  5. C

    Happy Gotcha day to my 2 very special boys...

    Happy gotcha day................. from their sis Hope :D :D :D
  6. C

    Baby Video .. 2nd one added!

    How gorgeous, I wouldn't be able to leave him/her alone :love:
  7. C

    Cats and Dogs (Warning, *tons* of photos)

    Wicked pictures, especally the ones where they are all together.
  8. C

    1st pics of willow and Tilly (i hope)

    matilda is the double of my Charlie, gorgeous buns :D
  9. C

    New pics! more added

    :love: love the tide marks. x
  10. C

    New Run

    Glad they enjoyed the new, they are gorgeous. Glad the weather was good enough to let them out it has peed with rain here all day :(
  11. C


    Shes fine thanks. I'm giving her regular Metacam and it seems to be doing the trick. She hates me at the minute tho but she'll come round, Romeo is being a real gent and is grooming her constantly which is really sweet. X
  12. C


    Its like a family reunion here today, Polly their sister is also have her op today, theres a message in general chat. I'm picking her up at 4, I'll let her know her brothers and sisters were giving her positive vibes. X
  13. C


    i dont think i'd be able to let him go, he's gorgeous.
  14. C


    I'm having my girlie op today so thought I'd give you all a peek into my diary. This is our indoor home untill I'm better, we moved in 30 mins before this pic, just checking it all out. THE LAST SUPPER......... ME TRYING TO HIDE FROM MUM SO SHE DOEN'T TAKE ME TO THE VETS ME LOOKING CUTE, IF I...
  15. C


    gorgeous bunny, x