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Recent content by AudioHeart

  1. A

    I just fell in love in p@h Coventry

    Its hard, when you get that pull from an animal. Its hard to describe they just feel like yours, it happened to me in PAH with a hamster in one of their cages....i did walk away and sobbed for about an hour as he just felt like 'mine', for some reason I just couldn't describe. I walked away as...
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    Lucky & Her Babies At 5 1/2 Weeks!

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what sweethearts :love:
  3. A

    Childs pet: does this exist?

    If the parent doesn't want anything to do with the pet then yep, i think stuffed is the way too go but if the parent is willing and wanting to be proactive with the pet then id love to help find them the perfect pet to suit them and their lifestyle. I always wanted a bunny when I was little...
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    Childs pet: does this exist?

    I do agree that children should grow up with pets, but at the end of the day the parent needs to look after the pet, and the way things were going she wanted something that was easy to look after (ie: her daughter has a cuddle, play with the animal and then she puts it away at the end of the...
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    Childs pet: does this exist?

    I know, I think the best 'pet' is a cuddly toy for kids. :( Ahh good plan, we probably did seem a little defensive on the bun front. I think i was just a bit shocked at the thought of a bun making a fab first pet, and from experience when i was younger i wasn't too keen on my first pet rabbits...
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    Childs pet: does this exist?

    Hello, I'm a long time lurker on here (hello!:wave:), but a regular on the sister site (piggie forum) but I have a bunny related dilemma and I was hoping someone on here might help....? Agh. My OHs friend popped over tonight with a few q’s for us animal mad folk as he was hoping we might have...
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    has anyone ever been to bunny world? :$

    Hello! I'm a lurker on this forum (i love looking at the bunny pics)and i spend more time on the guinea pig forum! :D Anyways i seen this thread and wondered if its the place near whitby? Is it still open?? My experience is, we got our two buns from there hmm it'll be fifteen years ago now. We...
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    Guardian of the Tribe

    Helloo Wiebke Im Laura from TGPF too :D I do love your tribe :love:
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    Puds art at bunny bed trashing.

    :D:lol::lol::lol: naughty pud!
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    Bentley and Lucy, perfectly bonded after two weeks!

    Awwwww :love: such sweeties!
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    Hallo from a GPF member

    Oooo i do know quite a few people on here! :D I'll have to get chatting more on this forum, hehe i get distracted easily by my piggies! :love:
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    Meet Isabel and Tinkerbell

    What beautiful bunnies, i hope they find their forever home soon.
  13. A

    ok if's ya want a sante paws

    Too cute for words!:love::love:
  14. A

    Noah and Charlee - some funny pics! Photo OVERLOAD!

    What lovely pictures of your gorgeous bunnies! I love your set up too:D
  15. A

    Hi everybody

    Hello and welcome, What a beautiful bunny :love: