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Litter of 8 arrived **Myxi update** ~survivors~

I`m so sorry you`ve had to say goodbye to 2 of them Kareen:cry: :cry:

But i think you`re doing an amazing job, caring for them so well & really are giving them every chance.

Sending loads of vibes that the others pull through.

thinking of you at such a hard time,

Thank you, it is very hard to see them ill, but I still feel I have to give them a chance. sometimes besides the medication, just nurturing them helps, keeping them warm and talking to them softly, cuddling them gently. There is no more that I can do.
I had to let two of the buns go this morning, they deteriorated through the night and were just too tired to go on, I felt to start syringe feeding and giving fluids was not the right way to go for them. They went peacefully cuddled into each other. :( with me holding them.
I feel awful and that I have let them down, but they knew me well and enjoyed being cuddled and stoked,they knew comfort and love.
I don't feel they were in pain, but their immune system was just not working as well as the other two. They had no nodules! where as the other two have lots of nodules, my vet says that this is a sign that their immune system is fighting the virus.

I obviously feel very sad but it was the right thing to do :(

it was the right this to do Kareen and you have done a fantastic job with them all, You have to think you done your best and you gave these wee buns the best in life they could have possibly got. Dont beat urself up about it, its bount to be so hard :(. I am so sorry. Sendng lots of vibes for the other wee ones. R.I.P :cry: xx
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this :cry:

You have done - and are doing - an amazing job for these babies, and you have done the right thing in letting them go when they were too ill to go on. :cry:

You've shown them a huge amount of love and care in their short lives, so please take comfort from knowing you have done your very best for them.

Thinking of you and hoping and praying for the other little ones. x
Just finished doing all th eye wiping, giving injection of antibiotics and some metacam, I have 2 rabbits now who are covered in nodules! and one who just has one sore looking eye, the other 2 are still fine. Also just run a bath for them and added some eucalyptus oil to help them breathe a bit easier.--One day at a time!
so sorry to hear this Kareen:cry: :cry: how are the others doing and how are you doing?

Run free big buns xxxxxxx

Sparky & Buster are looking a bit brighter today, their breathing is still shallow but they are very interested in food today and are drinking more than they had been, they are grooming themselves and each other! yesterday they had a hour out in the sunshine and seemed to enjoy it. They are getting my hopes up :)

Peanut the one with milder symptoms is still doing very well, he has a few more nodules now but is looking healthy and happy :D

The remaining two Fudge and Judy still have no symptoms :D :D
Sparky has went downhill tonight :cry: I have made her as comfortable as I can and she has eaten and been drinking but she is so miserable, i feel so sad for her.
She has been doing so well, I think she is just too tired out, poor wee soul. She loves having a cuddle though, she is all tucked up now in her cage on a heat pad, with a bowl of vick melting on a hot water bowl beside her cage!! and the bath is full of hot water so lots of steam too. I am tired out too!! but will get up and down to her in the night in case she needs me.

Send her love everyone, please
I`m so glad Sparky has made it through the night, she`s such a fighter.

Still sending continuous vibes..................

Hi Kareen,
Sorry not posted on here for a while.
I hope she is still doing well. Sending lots of hugs and vibes.
Looked at the pictures, what poor little buns :cry: Ive not managed to read about them lately, how many is left? are they doing alright? ...Figers crossed!!

:love: xxx
Glad Sparky made it through the night and is a little brighter this morning.

I've just had a look at the photos - they're heartbreaking :cry: I've never seen a bun with myxi before. What a contrast to the pics you posted when the babies arrived with you :cry:

Hoping and praying that these little ones still make it. You must be so worn out - look after yourself too x
Hi Kareen,
Sorry not posted on here for a while.
I hope she is still doing well. Sending lots of hugs and vibes.
Looked at the pictures, what poor little buns :cry: Ive not managed to read about them lately, how many is left? are they doing alright? ...Figers crossed!!

:love: xxx

I still have 5 out of the 8 that arrived, 1 was pts sleep as soon as it came into the rescue and I had to let 2 go last Monday :cry:
Oh no :cry:
Lets hope their is still life ahead of the other 5:cry: your are doing a brilliant job! thats a long time now and their are still 5 fighting away! you must be absolutely shattered!:shock: I am sending so much vibes for these other 5, lets hope they fight their way through. How are they looking now? xx